Monday 7 October 2013

Technicolor symphony.

"Why are you here ?"
- Kevin Le to Andy Le for about, 5 hours.

Holidays ended yesterday for all the school kids and even though I did find Andy's constant presence in this house annoying at times, what with his screaming, shouting, snoring, coughing, and how he takes advantage of getting his preference around the house, it was a little too quiet without him around this morning. I woke up to complete silence, drove to Zaraffa's where I enjoyed my coffee contemplating who I could play pranks on now that the kids are back in school, while I thought this as I drove home with the windows down, music blaring at a reasonable level as I do not have any EDM in my car, I saw him. Andy was outside my house, on a Tuesday morning at around 8am with only the words "I am sick" that he fakishly uttered. It was strange thinking about all that only to have nothing change at all, at least for another day, apparently, he didn't manage to finish the homework that was set for him for 2 weeks so he called in sick. Truth be told, he was actually sick, I recall him vomiting on a number of occasions the day before and I should've seen this coming. This dude reminds me of me so much, it pains me to know that he might end up like me so I spent the day, pirating the programs he needed to do his homework, god only knows why he didn't come to me sooner. Maybe I'm failing as an older brother, I don't see why else he wouldn't come to me for help, that is unless he planned this all along and wanted another day off from school, another thing I would've done as a kid. It's almost like I'm watching my life from Dante's perspective if he was ever there, a very entertaining movie :L 

By the way, primary school kids have surprisingly difficult homework and they actually check up on it, too. Nothing like what I had to deal with, Andy sure has it rough, as much as any other kid would I suppose.

Technicolor Symphony - Tyler Touche & Sterling Silver

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