Thursday 3 October 2013

I love it.

"I said I'm gonna turn Kiet into a machine, still in progress though."
- Hoc Vu, some small talk while we waited for our banh xeo.

It's very rare that Dante would willingly spend time with my circle of friends, looks like he grew kinda attached to Hoc, I guess it's his down-to-earth-do-I-look-like-I-give-a-fuck face/personality, it's what made me want to know him anyway. Hoc joined Dante and myself for banh xeo again, we spent a good amount of the day scavenging around our respective homes looking for $8 just so we could come back, I had to resort to using my fap jar unfortunately but I'd say it was worth it.

Nothing other than that happened that really mattered. I got sick for the first time in what feels like years tonight, it was one of those sicknesses that makes you wonder how anyone else can be fine. "How can you do that and not fall to the ground due to over sensitivity?" kinda like that. I'm starting to think it's that banh xeo but it's hard to believe that something I love so much can do something so horrible to me. It's hot, then it's cold, then it's both, then I want to puke, then I want to eat. Sicknesses are weird.

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