Thursday 24 October 2013

Love away.

"Holy fuck, it's so fucking hot!"
- Everyone

You know what'd be a dope idea ? I'm thinking about changing the layout of this blog a little, not the appearance but more the content, starting with the pictures. I can't wait til I get my hands on a camera, whether it be on a phone, iPod or even just a camera. This "quote of the day" thing should be accompanied by a "photo of the day" and it should be related to each other sometimes, I can sorta see how this blog changes, it's like a child growing up gradually becoming more and more organized and shit. It's going to be so trippy when I read this in the far future, like, with my kids or whoever I'm with at the time.

I'm also thinking about making a bucket list, like, literally, a bucket with sheets of paper containing shit I want to do before I kick it (hahaha, get it ? kick the bucket ? damn, nigga, I'm good. Hold up, that might be where the saying came from and here I thought I was being clever and shit) and every so often I would shake it up and pick one from random and dedicate my free time to finishing it then have a break and do it again, it's gonna be filled with the most random stuff, too like "Eat while pooping. I must be swallowing a piece of food as a piece of poop is leaving my body to make it legit" and "Ride a wave on a surfboard (bonus points for saying "ay!" like Fonzie)" and "Rent two hot air balloons and attach them together then at the top of the two air balloons, dangle a giant inflatable penis and fly over elementary schools" or classic ones like "Fight a fucking bear" or "Go to Washington D.C and take a picture where the Washington monument looks like my penis" So many ideas ! I think the bucket would fill up faster than I could finish it and I am okay with that.

Love Away - Capital Cities

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