Monday 28 October 2013


"You come here almost everyday."
- those 2 nice workers at Zaraffa's

Had plans to go coffee with someone but they bailed last minute which is to be expected, I'm not paying that particular person out or anything, you'd think by now everyone would be used to plans not turning out well but I guess it's only human for people to expect the best and not the worst. I went to Zaraffa's and as I enjoyed a strawberry creme fusion, I had a sudden urge to wash Betty, I guess it was how good the day looked that sparked such a spontaneous thought.

Hoc and Seed picked me up to go out and eat Pho shortly after coffee. I feel so old, not only am I doing things like coffee but when they said "we're eating Pho" and we actually went out and ate Pho and did nothing else, it struck me as odd. Back in the days, when they or anyone else asked "you wanna go eat Pho?" it usually meant eating Pho and then doing something completely unpredictable like hosting a barbecue or crashing someone's house, I remember doing both in that order after "Pho" in high school but now it's literally just Pho. Is this maturing ? I don't like it.

You'd be amazed at the amount of people who live in Inala that don't have buckets. Washed Betty from 2 til 4pm and within that time, the amount of times people looked at me with disgust for cleaning my car (including Andy) in the middle of the day was extraordinary, wait, not really, it was more like 7 people or so but I can't really blame them, anyone would be disgusted if they saw a half naked asian dude that folded his shirt into a bra and washed his car to the beat of EDM songs. I don't think I left a good impression to that Asian family that moved in across the road but hey, what can you do ?

Wonder - Adventure Club & The Kite String Tangle

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