Sunday 27 October 2013


"My life became 600% better when i started acting like a self obsessed piece of shit like 10/10 would recommend. Even if u don't actually genuinely love yourself it's fuckin fun to act like you think you're the human embodiment of perfection go on try it life's too short to not fall in love with yourrself."
- grrrlfever, some dude on Twitter.

Nothing really happened today. Andy got his friend to come over who happened to be Alex's little brother, Anthony (the bloke is as tall as me and he's only in year 8, kinda depressing :L) and we spent the day screaming at each other. Now that I think about it, it was a pretty good day.

I had coffee with Kiet and Hoc, Tai was also meant to join us but he changed his mind due to his frustration of not being able to define his sexuality when he encountered 4 goats gangbanging a helpless pig which then enforced an erection that was so big, it pierced and killed said pig. The goats chased him but he pole vaulted to his room with his own penis. In case you take me seriously, that didn't really happen, everyone knows Tai has no penis. Again, I jest, wait, maybe not, I've never seen his tally whacker so I cannot be sure. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this post, I think the lack of memorable events were so minuscule, I felt compelled to make shit up but I'm gonna keep this, kinda makes me chuckle a little :L 

This blog is so vulgar hahahahah I like it.

Unsaid - Bad Boy Bill & Tamra Keenan

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