Sunday 20 October 2013

Where are we going.

"bring the bois."
- Tai Pham, I now realize that he meant Dante and Andy, sorry bro, totally forgot I had brothers for a second.

Was invited out for coffee by Hoc and Kiet, which was nice, I like this balance of solitude and company, it's not so much of a balance rather than having the choice to pick between the two whenever I want and nothing is more liberating than having a choice, that and having a wank but I suppose that that too, is a choice. 

We talked about our plans for the future regarding lifestyle as well as financial loans, you know you're getting old when you stop talking about bitches and start talking about money in a fucking cafe late morning, it's not that I mind but the transition is really something else. The moment Kiet dropped me off home, I received a text from Tai saying his mumsies (hahah it's catching on) made some food and telling me to bring my brothers but as I was with Kiet and Hoc at the time, I thought he meant them, it wasn't til I got home that I beat myself up for being such a fuckface :L 

I like bananas.

Where Are We Going - Mob Of The Dead

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