Friday 11 October 2013

Baby I'm yours.

"My nipples are so hard, they can cut through diamond!"
- Andy Le, on skype with his friends. I wonder what kind of conversation would spark up a comment like that.

Today felt eventful but when I sit down and write about it, it doesn't seem like much would come out, I guess that's why I always unknowingly write about the meta side of my day, just like now.

Ran some errands with Betty the slut (everyone rides her) bumped into David Melara who I then took out for coffee with Jack and Leon and even though I can say that more happened, I don't think I would write them here, not because they're boring or anything but it feels unnecessary. I know that if I wrote about my day in detail, one thing would lead into another to the point where it would get boring reading it any further and I wrote the fucker, too. If I can't entertain myself, I don't know how I can entertain others. I didn't start this blog for others but if there are any readers, I think I would like to make it something we can both enjoy. I think.

I also attended Lil-Yen's birthday celebration, slow-paced but it wasn't something I dislike. It's important for everything to take their own pace and even though it was something I wasn't used to, I think I could come to like if it had occurred more often but ain't no nigga got time for that. Picture of the night award goes toooooooo.

I think this image captures my good side, I really do. If I had to describe it, "Beautifully fucked up" comes to mind.

People can be so cool, especially Lil-Yen, she's a cool cat.

Baby, I'm Your's - Breakbot & Irfane

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