Tuesday 1 October 2013


"Let's get some banh xeo geeeeeeeeee."
- Dante. exercising his new verbal tick, it's pretty contagious so I warn you not to be around that guy. Anything that guy does is contagious now that I think about it.

Quite a bit happened today and none of it was expected. Hoc drove his car to the mechanics next to where Video Ezy used to be and asked me to give him a lift back home when he was done, I had shit all to do and I figured a drive would do me some good but when Dante caught me walking towards Betty, he took this chance to take care of a little business, he took my keys off me, picked up Hoc, said nothing the entire drive and before I knew what was going on, we were in Ipswich, yeah, I don't even either. Hoc must've been so confused, this wasn't the first time Dante did something like this to me. I remember there was a time where I thought I was going home after work and boy, I could not have been more wrong, I ended up at Browns Stains and met his then-new girlfriend who I had regretfully grown quite attached to, I don't even know where I'm going with this story so I'll just stop here.

Dante's friend was advertising her mother's banh xeo business on Facebook and took Hoc and I there for brunch, if you guys are hungry and have $8 laying about, I recommend this place, man, felt a like a little Vietnam.

It says 7am to 5pm but really, it's 10am to 7pm. Shit is fantastic.

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