Friday 18 October 2013

Who knows, who cares.

"That made so much sense, it made dollars."
- Alex Dang, about 4 years ago, why the fuck am I recalling something like that now ? I don't even remember in what context that was said.

Hoc called up saying he wanted a haircut, why did he call me ? fucks me but I'm never in a position to question a dude's motives so I tagged along to watch him get his hair cut, definitely wasn't expecting that when I woke up this morning. I took this chance to drop by his house and vacuum the inside of Betty and after a solid hour or so, she's looking fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, wouldridetotownandback/10. Somehow ended up at Little Taipei with Seed and Hoc then pool where I shat all over them, their mind, body, soul and the insides of their hearts were completely filled to the brim in my own feces which I enjoyed thoroughly. 

It's like 5am and I'm still up, it's those fucking vine videos, man. The vines on facebook don't fucking end, I watch one, then I click on the little arrow shit and watch another, this shit has been going on FOR THE LAST 4 HOURS, WHY CAN'T I STOP ?! this is retarded, I don't even like vine videos, I'm pretty much forcing myself to stay awake just to go through more of these clips, some of them aren't even vines which confuse me, these pages need to get their shit together. Oh my god, am I seriously complaining about people on the internet ? it's like I'm in grade 9 again, I think this sleep deprivation and hunger has got me on the edge. Guess I'll quickly donate to the fap jar and call it a night, this is not the right time for this kind of shit.

Who Knows, Who Cares (Acoustic) - The Local Natives

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