Tuesday 22 October 2013

Teenage dirtbag.

"uhhhh, I'm not sleeping, I'm just closing my eyes and snoring..."
- Hoa Nguyen, passed out on the bed.

Was given a chance to take Betty out today, I'm always keen to drive since I was told it's good for the car to get it's fluids going daily and to do that requires a bit of driving. Took the neighbor to Inala for some reason (mum always told me not to kiss and tell, he could be planning a robbery for all I know, fuck it.) then shortly returned for dat Japanese chicken curry then stayed home. A lot of other things were meant to happen today but you know what they say about plans; "they don't fucking happen"

I literally spent the rest of the day with Hoa watching the first season of Pokemon, that shit is ridiculous, bro, like, I know it was released in 1997 and shit but there was this episode where this dude had a Marowak right? and it threw it's bone at Team Rockets hot air balloon while it was in the air and it fucking exploded, I don't think I've laughed harder at an anime ever, a fucking bone of all things, it was a beautiful moment.

The neighbor might be joining me for coffee tomorrow morning, we'll see how that goes.

Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

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