Thursday 10 October 2013

Trying to be cool.

"Holy shit, you turned all that fat into muscle!"
- Grant Hartigan, to which I replied "YEAHHHHH MOTHERFUCKERRRRRR!" everyone looked at me but I'm sure glad I don't give any fucks about public image, shit's overrated, dude.

I wake up at random times, man. I wake up at 8am then sleep again til 10am then sleep again til 12am and my perception of what day it is is all fucked up which is strange because I have coffee every morning but it barely helps. I think I spent a majority of the day with Tai, even though we're neighbors and shit, I really didn't expect to be so.... social. You'd think something like that would be expected but I've been Lam's and Leon's neighbor far longer and even though we say we'd go out and do shit, it never really happens, I guess that's what put my expectations to the ground about everything, which is good, don't get me wrong. Having your expectations go to the shitter is almost a blessing because no matter what happens, things can only go up and that's pretty fucking metal.

My house is no longer the place where people crash anymore, I think I passed that on to Tai. Already, he's getting visitor by the bulk and he's more hospitable than me (which is all honestly, doesn't take much. Must be the air conditioning, that noonga) He even snuck me in to his gym and that's where I met Grant after so many years. We went home earlier than intended but I finished up the rest at my own gym. It's pre' cool exercising our common interests together, makes you realize things about your friends that you would otherwise not of realized, it's kinda beautiful.

I'm kinda ticked that that bloke can drive my car better than I can. It's just not right. I'm pretty certain Tai's a robot.

Trying To Be Cool (Allure Remix) - Phoenix

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