Tuesday 31 December 2013


"You motherfucking rebel, you."
- Kevin Le, after witnessing Dante push open a pull door, even though he clearly saw there was a pull sign, he made it his mission to push that door. Amazing.

Man, these morning runs are deadly, I don't know how Jeremy does it, man. I have a long as way to go and what can better motivate you than a new year ? Dante was hungry so the morning was filled with nothing but complaints from a 25 year old that sounds like he came out of the vagina 4 minutes ago, he waited though, he waited for me since I can only eat withing a certain time frame and even though he complains, he waited. It's kinda gay. Wanted Subway which then became banh mi thit which then became Nando's, I don't even know, man. Dante is so indecisive, it doesn't even surprise me anymore, actually, I lied, it surprises me a little. 

It completely flew over me, you know, the fact that it was New Year's Eve. Flynn texted me saying there was a barbecue at Kiet's and even though I went, I think the interests within the group are a little too strong. Brandan, Dante and I went to the gym while the other guys kinda went to their respective homes to play games, yeah, I know, wow. Except Teddy though :L that nigga got loose.

Didn't get home til 11 and at that time, the guys were already done for the year so I bummed at Hogans til it died. I greeted the New Year carrying a drunk, sweaty (and possibly vomit-covered) indian dude who I never met before towards his parents car that took him home for a good ass whoopin' and then sat next to these white people who were doing white things, like having public sex in the middle of the yard. I'd say it was dope way to start 2014 :L Holy shit, that party was white as fuck. They were dancing and singing along to blink 182 and shit. White as.

I drove a girl by the name of "Cindy" to the train station and kept her company til her train arrived, it was like, 1am after all. Girls have it pretty hard, aye ? She was telling me things she probably shouldn't be telling me, like what it feels like to be ignored by a person you like and expressing her disgust towards men even though she can't help her sexuality. Hearing all that just makes me want to stay indoors more than I initially wanted and that's kinda sad :L Got home at 3am, chucked a shit then went for a run, best way to end/start the year.

Legacy - Nicky Romero & Krewella

Monday 30 December 2013

The morning.

"I pooped today, it was fantastic."
- Andy Le, I swear this kid is a walking gold mine of profound quotes, he appreciates the little things in life because he's not aware of the bigger things, it's sad but kinda wonderful. High School is not going to treat him well, then again, it never treated anyone well. Good luck, you little fat bastard.

Yeap, I don't think Andy's going to be moving anytime soon, what have I done ? This is good though, limits our electricity usage and it gives me good reason not to sit around too long. I'd probably be on my laptop watching pointless videos and shaking my head to Facebook posts anyway but because of this, I've been leaving the house a lot more often and that just invites opportunity for god to kick me in the jewels with his uncanny powers of absolute bulldick that is reality.

Thanh dropped by and woke my ass up at 6am asking me to go for a run, fuck it, ran until I couldn't anymore which was about 10 minutes later. I am not a fit dude aye, I gotta change that. Hoping to make a habit of waking up early and going for sweaty, disgusting jogs around Inala and Forest Lake. I WILL CHANGE, I AM THE FUTURE. Fasting suck massive amounts of fecal horror.

Melarus dropped by, telling about his grand plans of travel, catching up with everyone as well as tell me crazy stories of what he's been doing. He and I spent our night driving to west end with no real purpose, I guess we just wanted to get in a car and just go somewhere and we did. Midnight journeys are significantly better with someone in the car with you, just talking about whatever comes to mind. This has become a thing.

The Morning - Weeknd

Sunday 29 December 2013

I'm a fool.

"Hey, Kevin, you want some black cock?"
- Andy Le, as he offered me some coke.

Woke up to the sound of Dante's lovely screaming voice through my window which startled both Teddy and myself. Dante got to meet Teddy and Teddy got to meet Dante, it's weird how easy going Dante is now, I remember when I first brought friends over, he wanted nothing to do with anyone, then again, it might've been because I was in primary school and no one wants to be close with nosy, spoiled brats that live in Inala.

After hours of doing nothing but thinking about where we should go to eat, we settled on Little Singapore at Sunnybank, it never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to get what you want, the people I know would hide behind some stupid excuse like "it's too far." or "it's too hot" or "it's too far and hot." but no one ever entertains the thought that maybe you didn't want it enough. I can chill around Teddy, he's simple, well, as far as I'm concerned but even if he isn't, I wouldn't want to know because it's dope to see eye to eye with someone else that's real on the surface.

Drove Teddy to his joint, went home and moved Andy's computer in my room, guess I just wanted to observe him :L how can he just sit there for hours on end and only move when he wants to eat or when he needs to shit, sometimes, he doesn't even move when he needs to shit, he just sits there and prays it goes away, it's really amazing. He uses my TV as a monitor and he somehow got me into one of his games, this is not good. Skyrim is so beautiful.

I'm A Fool - Sucka Free CJ / CJ Trillo

Saturday 28 December 2013

Makin' good love.

"Do not give him hope where there is none."
- Thranduil, some elf dude from the new Hobit movie I watched yesterday, don't know why but it stuck.

Mumsies has a warped notion of "treasure", it's almost like sentimental value is of no concern to her. I was told to come by Mumsies place for breakfast, which I did. I placed my phone and wallet on the counter and Mumsies happened to see the picture Dante gave me to put in my wallet and without a second thought, she took the photo and cut it up. I can't be the only one who thinks that's fucked up. I had it in such a way that I could see Mumsies, Andy, Dante and myself but now that she cut it up, I can't see us anymore. I went there to eat and left without a photo of Dante and without eating, I just wasn't in the mood anymore. As I left, Mumsies screamed and yelled questioning why am I making such a big deal over something so small and I didn't know how to explain it to her so I left without a word. She was throwing chopsticks and a tantrum as I drove off and I knew I was in the wrong, she's family after all. She came by hours later with pictures of Dante from an old album but it wasn't the same. You can't replace something that was given to you and I don't think Mumsies could comprehend that. I got home and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, I cried, man. I cried and let it all out. Women are mysterious beings, bro. They're the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. They can make you feel like you're on top of the world and above but they can also shit inside of your heart and do everything that goes against everything you were raised to believe and act like it's as natural as breathing. I can't prepare myself for it anymore. It's pretty fucked up.

Teddy asked me to come to Leon's and I figured this is what I needed, a little time off to be where I could lose my footing for a bit and just stay on the ground. It was dope. Everyone played Super Smash Bros. and then went home. Teddy and I went for a little 12am cruise around the area, stopping by for slushies 7/11 and drove 120 on 60 roads as chill music played from the CD player. You can only imagine how nice it felt and here I am now, recapping my day with Teddy passed out on my bed. Guess I'll go shower and find something to eat.

Makin' Good Love (Somo Cover) - Avant

Makin' Good Love (Michael Carreon Cover) - Avant

Friday 27 December 2013

Take me out.

"I'm going out for a bit, bro."
- Kevin Le
"Okay! bye, babe."
- Andy Le

This heat made Andy and myself pass out on my bedroom floor, it felt like we were out for hours even though it was only about 30 minutes and in that time, Kiet was just staring at us through my window like the creep he is, love that dude to death though.

There was this dude at the gym that was lecturing me on how to look after my body, he was a lot smaller than me in size which was ironic but only a moron would make a scene and argue so I just stood there, smiling and nodding my head at everything he said but when I got home, I was so distraught as to what to think, so in tribute to that man, I spread 200 grams of nutella onto neapolitan ice cream whilst thinking about that man and ate the whole damn thing and I hope to see him again just so I can tell him what I did, I think everyone has this asshole side of them, a guilty kind of pleasure we take a little pride in :L people are weird, it might just be me actually hahahaha I'm weird AHSHDASIOHFNKJASNGMOPWL:F

I made Kiet pay for something today, not only that, I made him pay something for me. Now, most of you might not think this is a big deal but Kiet is notorious for being the biggest stinge the universe has ever seen so making him buy something for himself, let alone anyone else, is nothing short of a miracle and here's how it went down: I was invited to go eat steak at Fusion 360 with Leon, Kevin Trinh, Oscar, Kiet and Trampoline but that somehow turned into ramen and then that somehow turned into watching a movie at Sunnybank. I'm not much of a movie person so I intended to go home right after food but Oscar had already bought Kiet a ticket for the movie and since I was his ride home, he bought me a ticket. I know, this sounds pointless but I'm sure I'll read this in the distant future and have a good laugh about this :L I'd mark this day on my calender if I had one and to be honest, I think everyone else in the world should, too.

Take Me Out (Live NYC Subway) - Atomic Tom

Thursday 26 December 2013

Ars gratia artis.

"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out ?
Ah, but what if it does ?" 
- Peter McWilliams

Holy god, why is it so hot ? this humidity is about as brutal as those punishment games the Japanese play and that's pretty damn brutal. This heat has gotten me woozy, I don't feel like doing anything, as far as I was concerned, the only thing I did worth mentioning was cutting my nails and napping on Dante's van whilst being practically naked and despite my street being not on a main road, a surprising amount of pedestrians like to walk around here, all of which don't take too kindly to practically naked asians cutting nails and napping on vans. What has this world come to ? I thought this was Inala, they shouldn't be surprised even if I was fisting a small animal, let alone rubbing my nipples. 

No car, no people, couldn't leave even if I wanted to, it was restricting but it was a dope ass day, it was like I was forced into staying home and doing nothing which isn't really something I hate, if anything, I'd go out of my way just so I can keep it the way it is.

Bumming at Leon's yesterday got me thinking; I used to be the guy who would host the parties and cleaning up after was always a massive bitch, it was something I eventually got used to but I never realized how bad I'd feel after being one of those people who were responsible for the mess until today. I told him that if he needed a hand, he should give me a call but guys are stubborn, man. He'd never admit he'd need help even when it's offered so I bought him a game on steam and while I was at it, I bought everyone a game on steam, even people I never met before, it felt pretty good. I'm so glad they had a wishlist otherwise I don't think I would've bought anyone anything. That was $100 well spent I'd say.

Ars Gratia Artis - Sucka Free CJ / CJ Trillo

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.

- Izzy

Ramen was our idea of a fantastic Christmas morning breakfast, even if everyone looked like they had just performed heart surgery in a moving ambulance during an earthquake. Everyone was talking about the events that occurred the night before, catching up on some good laughs while embossing the experience into their minds, not everyone could stay until the end, some had left while others pressed on, it was a little sad, for me at least.

I was the last to be dropped off and the moment I touched the sidewalk with my feet, it was just another day, man. Waved bye to Leon then walked into the house where Andy was sitting where he always sits, my room was just the way I left it and Dante and Izzy were there to greet me with a noise rather than actual words. I had completely forgotten it was Christmas, that is, until I took a shit and thought about what had happened today. 

Today was Christmas and yet there were so many people who would spend their day at someone's house rather than with family. I'm not saying it's irresponsible or anything, if anything, it's actually quite amazing. You wouldn't go there any other time if you lived far away but on Christmas, you wouldn't think twice. I don't know, I find that weird.

If you're reading this, Teddy; give me back my pink singlet.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - Ryuichi Sakamoto

Tuesday 24 December 2013


"Next year, we'll go $200 for secret santa!"
- Hoc Vu

Didn't feel like Christmas Eve, shit, it didn't even feel like December. I spent the last few Christmases with the guys so I figured it'd be with family from now on but a relative of mine passed away so now everyone feels it'd be inappropriate to celebrate when someone close to them died not long ago so to make up for that, my aunt took Mumsies, Bobby and myself to sizzler's where we spent our Christmas Eve lunch there since our family is pretty tight-kept. Shit is expensive, man, and that steak was totally not 500grams, niggas be ballin' as fuck.

Got to Leon's, went out for dinner with the guys and pretty much did what we do every other Christmas. Played drinking games only to sober up not long after and chilled for the rest of the night, like, literally, the whole night. Even though I brought my bed over, I never had the chance to sleep on it, I stayed awake, talking to Alex and TD as Vinh and Hoa passed out on my mattress, the others were kinda scattered around the place :L I don't remember what I did, staying up, pacing around the house, cleaning here and there til the sun came up, it was pretty dull now that I remember it but that was only because when I did try to sleep, Leon's hand slid off his bed and smacked me in the balls.

I wasn't apart of secret santa this year, I guess it was because all this lack of information is making me want to take a break from "2dn" and it's completely my fault, I think it's just me being stubborn but there's something gone that was there before. I know this will only add fire to the flame but I think my living with Trumpet caused this. I'm sure I'll touch up on this more later on.

3005 - Childish Gambino

Monday 23 December 2013

Breathe in.

"Feel the burn!"
- Tony Huynh

Stayed up real late last night because I was convinced that Tai was gonna counter attack, I mean, the dude is a rock's throw away from me, there's no reason why he wouldn't but this must be one of those psychological warfare approaches but there's also a high chance that he's completely forgotten about yesterday and I'm preparing my body for nothing but I'd be found dead on a goat with a condom before Tai catches me like I caught him. I still chuckle whenever I remember the moment :L I really, really wish I captured the moment, man.

Tagged along with Kiet to get his green P's and we bumped into my old personal trainer and Toan who seems to have lost quite a bit of weight, props to that guy, as intolerable as he was. We got out faster than we expected which left us in quite a pickle, we had no idea what to do but we knew that we didn't want to be bored, called up a few mates to see if they were home and ended up at Anthony Ton's house and we literally did fuck all, it was wonderful. He's got such a docile pet dog :L

Decided to hit the gym at 10pm and bumped into Tony who literally just got back from Sydney. I took this chance to bond with the bloke a little and did his workout and it made me feel dope to know that I can kinda keep now as opposed to what it was like when I first started. Shit is fantastic.

Breathe In - Japanese Wallpaper & Wafia

Sunday 22 December 2013

Somewhere only we know.

- Tai Pham. I don't think I've ever heard Tai yell/scream until today.

I kinda barged into Tai's house this morning and scared the living organs out of that dude, holy shit, I really, really wish I caught the moment, describing the moment would be redundant since I do not possess the ability to articulate such an experience through text so I'll just say he had his mouth open, he was really loud and he covered his junk and his nipples with both hands even though he wasn't naked. And if he says otherwise, he's fucking liar.

Morning was spent in the company of two lovely ladies by the names of Hong Nguyen and Lynn Pham. Bummed at the markets, ate at the markets and somehow ended up at South Bank where we watched Anchorman 2 and since I have yet to watch the prequel, the idea didn't leave much to be desired but shit, man, I was with 2 people I rarely get the chance to see so making the best of what I had was a given. I like Lynn and Hong and I don't want to come across as someone who doesn't, it just isn't easy since we're ridiculously different, they have things like sympathy and concerns and shit, a bubble no one can pop and I was just kinda there, around that bubble and even though it sounds like I didn't have a dope time, I did :L and I don't think I'd have it any other way :L

Crashed Kiet's house and accidentally napped on his bed while he does Kiet things. I was unusually tired today, couldn't stop yawning ever since the cinemas. Guess Hong's dopiness is contagious or something.
Today was a good day, better than most but I can't help but wonder what Tai's going to do to me when he gets the chance, there's no way anyone would let me off without at least a slap on the wrist, or in this case, a punch in the face. I'm getting excited.

Somewhere Only We Know - Keane

Somewhere Only We Know (Lily Allen Cover) - Keane

Saturday 21 December 2013


"Hold up, gonna take another shit."
- Andy Le, this dude has been going in and out of my room taking shits, it's amazing. It's like 3am, too.

Morning was dope. Woke up, sunny as fuck, gave Betty a wash, went for coffee and bummed with Mumsies and Bobby all afternoon, real chill. Scored a wallet Mumsies kept stored away and inside that wallet is a picture of Andy and Mumsies, there's also a cutout picture of me glued to the corner of the image and it amazed me because of how different Andy and I looked. Believe it or not, Andy was actually skinny at one point and was a polar opposite of what he is today and I was much chubbier, with a real attitude, too, shit, I'd knock myself out if given half the chance. I showed Dante when I got home and he gave me a picture of himself in high school and now I can't help but laugh out loud whenever I open my wallet :L You would too, I'm sure. Dante brought home the lower half of a mannequin, many laughs were had. 

I was asked to hop in Thanh's car and before I knew what was happening, I ended up at this Christmas party in a room filled with people I didn't know. I danced, talked and participated in the games. It's a strange experience, not the party itself but how they went about celebrating Christmas. They did things like Charades and thinking games as well as puzzles and mind games, like a real traditional bunch, kinda like the shit you see in an American family show whereas I would stay home as if it were any other day in the year. The whole time I was thinking "wow, people actually do this shit?" but shit nigga, free food, even if it was all strictly vegetarian. I don't think I could get along with people like that, they seem a little too uptight, it's a wonder how Thanh can adapt so well to others like that.

Came home to find Denne drooling on my pillow and Squishy sleeping on my couch. Denne lost some sort of bet and so was forced to get his legs waxed, why did they choose to do it at my place ? I wouldn't have a clue but then again, why wouldn't they ? 

Andy snores really loud.

Jetlag - Blue Satellite 

Friday 20 December 2013


"Bro, Betty's a dude...."
- Dante Le.

Yeah, I had no fucking idea. This entire time I owned Betty, I had no idea that she was actually a he, I've been calling a male a "slut" for months, that is like, the biggest compliment you could EVER give a guy and to be honest, I don't know why it isn't the same for girls. Words are weird but yeah, Betty is a dude, how about that ? I don't think I'll ever get used to this and I know Dante was entirely serious because the idea came from the movie "Kung Pow" and that movie pretty much shaped our childhood.

I was going to type a little about my day but I'm sorry, I seriously cannot believe that I've been riding a dude that's practically blushing 24/7, I hold his stick in the majority of time I spent INSIDE him, I turn him off and on multiple times on a daily basis. This must be what it feels like having a girlfriend for years only to find out she has a penis right before intercourse. It's not a pleasant feeling but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound, right ? I might as well be gay anyway, this "people with vaginas" thing isn't really working but I just cannot get excited over a penis, I don't think anyone can get excited over something that looks like it belongs hanging out of a sharks mouth. I wish I were gay, that'd be cool.

This has become an unnecessarily graphic post, I wouldn't call it personal but it's definitely something not everyone would want to read but it's not like I plan these things, I just type it as I go. I miss out a lot of content on all of these posts, I just don't recall them until I re-read them weeks later. I'd burn cities down to the ground for a cheese and bacon sausage roll right now, awww yeeeee.

Flute - New World Sound

Thursday 19 December 2013

Me & U.

"You haven't moved at all today, have you ?"
- Dante Le
"Not an inch." 
- Kevin Le

It was so windy, so nice, made me woozy all day. I woke up early morning and had a shower and you'd think after a shower, you'd be all good and ready to go, nope. The breeze made me too relaxed and a fell back to sleep. I had a dream, it was a weird dream but I'm pretty sure most dreams are weird. I was with Tai and we were in some critical situation, Myvy and Hong force fed us shards of glass which caused our mouths to bleed, I was crying but Tai seemed to be loving it cause that nigga is weird. I remember the taste and feel of my mouth filled with glass and blood but when I went to spit it all out in the dream, I also did it in real life and shot a bullet of saliva onto my pillow and then pressed my face against it. Yeah, I don't know either. It's probably a blogger thing, out of all the people I know, strange how it was those 3 :L Maybe it was some kind of premonition, I should keep my eye out for those guys. It wasn't thick glass either, it was really thin shards that kinda slid into the tongue, ughhh, you sick bastards. 

When we used to gym together, Hoc, Kiet and I would come up with nick-names for the people who had a presence at the gym, thing's like "The Yellow beast" (cause he always wore yellow and had the most ideal body we've ever seen) or "Feng Zhou" (means "chicken feet" in China simply because this guy has a massive upper body with virtually no legs whatsoever) and "MegaLats" (this dude has massive Latissimus Dorsi). I got to tell MegaLats about his nickname today after a whole year of mirin' and just like that, we were acquainted. It amazes me how nice these people are, they all look like they can tackle a hung stallion in heat but they don't even raise their voice in a place that's tolerant of that stuff. It's probably because I don't know them well enough, which is all good with me, the less I know, the better. Man, I want a nick name.

Me & U (Marlin Remix) - Cassie

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Remember the time.

"Have I asked you how your day was yet?"
- Hoa Nguyen, he was trying to make small talk but he didn't remember if he had made that already so did the most logical thing and asked, god, that was funny.

Woke up early to have coffee with Hoa on the way to his work place. Must be a real cunt to not have a means of flexible transportation, I'm honestly amazed he still has a job but knowing that guy, he's probably asking for lifts from everyone, carefully picking each of the guys so that he won't be a bother but really he was never one to begin with, it's too bad that people can only view themselves as liabilities because it would seem cocky otherwise. I like driving to places I haven't been to before, which is like, almost everywhere since driving isn't something I do much of and when I do, I don't even know where I'm going, I just do what the person sitting on the passenger side says and when there's no one there, I'm usually lost/on an adventure/on the way to maccas.

Man, I sure know how to pick images for these posts. Goddamn. 

Also bumped into Thanh, Randy and Lam at the gym and let me tell you; Randy is hands down, the worst person you could have at the gym, holy shit, I can't even begin to tell you why his attitude is simply not fit in a gym environment, the shit that Lam has to put up with man, I'm amazed his sanity is still intact and I know it seems like I'm being too harsh on Randy and that's because I am. That was frustrating as fuck. More power to you, Lam. I also found out that I hate excuses more than I thought.

Remember the time (Funk LeBlanc Remix) - Michael Jackson

Tuesday 17 December 2013


"heh, music is dope."
- Kevin Le, found myself saying that a lot today.

Had one of those days were I wanted to leave the house, just not in a car so I did what I thought I would never have to do again, I walked... like, with my feet, it was weird as. I like the mornings, it's a shame it takes so much effort to be conscious during that time of the day. Bought breakfast which was just a pork roll and milk tea and grass jelly, doesn't get more Inala than that. I bought extra to feed the mouths waiting for me at home which was nice, brothers really are something else, aye :L I forget that Dante is twenty-fucking-five most of the time. Got to see many familiar faces on that little walk, Tony, Mylinh, Tracy, Squishy to name a few, none of which even noticed my presence due to my slim, ninja-like figure and cat-like reflexes which is to be expected from someone of my abilities. It's pretty amusing to see the people to kinda know doe their own thing, kinda makes me want to stalk people, I probably should not have typed that. 

Thanh was at my place when I got back, said he wanted me to make him a playlist for his car since he does a fair bit of driving, managed to cram 70 or so songs onto a CD which actually works in his car, can you imagine ? having to press a button like 50 times just to get to the song you want to listen to ? :L I wish him luck with that but he seemed to be enjoying it so far so that's good. We talked about what's been happening with us and who we hang around, was asked to kick it with his clique but I don't know if I want to get into something like that again, man. I kinda like it here.. it's vury comfy.

Gibberish (Michael Carreon Cover) - Ryan Leslie

Monday 16 December 2013

Love a little more.

"You argue and you bicker and you fight. Atheists and Catholics, Jews and Hindus argue day and night, over what they think is true, but no one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you."
- Bo Burnham 

My old man took me out for Pho and man, even though that nigga fucked up the Le family, he sure knows how to get my attention, how can anyone decline a Pho invitation ? in a joint I never knew existed no less, exciting, even if it was at Biota street :L 

I really had no plans of doing anything today. I was determined to be so lazy, that I wouldn't even get up to go pee, I'd hold it in until it would eventually go away. I made it a point to sleep my hours away, on my bed, on my floor, on my couch, outside, on Dante's bed, on Dante's van and at times, sleep on two things at once and it'd be the best thing in the history of all the things, ever. Kept this up well until I was beckoned to Sunnybank where the gods of pool awaited me, I fought and I fought, balls were smashed and sunk, it was a arduous and relentless battle, a free-for-all between Hieu the Seed who seemed to have sprouted a little after today, Den Den, the master of bullshit fluke shots and his girlfriend, Squishy who' simply, squishy. Went home, had a wank and did what I always do, Fuck all.

Bumped into Tony, that dude is as strong as ever, man. Can't get over it, I think I'm starting to fan-girl over him a little, it's quite disturbing but whenever I see the dude, I try everything I can to try and best him and then I'm reminded by the cold, harsh reality that is, Tony Huynh. I swear he's retarded or something.

Love A Little More (Ride The Universe Remix) - Moon & Walker

Sunday 15 December 2013

City of lights.

- Nam Le, the moment he walked into my room.

Nam hasn't changed a bit, man. He looks exactly the same, same baggy shirts, same shorts with slightly-higher-than-ankle socks, he even wears a backpack filled with things you might need when you're on the road. It was literally just like being in year 11-12 again. What a blast from the past.

I spent the day driving back and forth from Archerfield with Nam, Thanh and Elita taking multiple breaks from a drift event that was happening at the time. I noticed that Nam and Thanh are almost like her bitches, they go out of their way to do things for her she could do herself and even though I wasn't one of her slaves, it sure felt like I was, it was almost like having my metaphorical balls roll around inside her metaphorical purse rubbing and touching Nam's and Thanh's metaphorical balls and we were having a metaphorical ball-gay orgy and since we're asian, chances are, it was a very hairy metaphorical gay ball orgy and as arousing as that sounds, I don't think I like that.

I think all this socialism is starting to get to me :L It's probably a good time to start doing nothing again. A person is awesome but people are not.

I started doing this thing where I would climb on Dante's van and just lay there for hours. It's alright if you bring a pillow but it might be just me. I think it's Summer making me think this is a good idea :L I've yet to find any drawbacks from this, I can even see Tai's porch from there. It's even better at night because of the sky and wind. I think this has become a thing. I'm starting to wish that van never leaves.

City Of Lights - Lush & Simon

Saturday 14 December 2013

Attracting flies.

"You didn't really understand what Thanh and David were talking about yesterday, did you?" - Tai Pham
"Of course not." - Kevin Le, a small exchange we had when Tai popped by for a visit, how nice of him.

Denne and then Tai crashed my sanctuary and woke my ass up around 11 and we discussed their secret santa thing cars and the usual things disgusting teenage males talk about before Tai headed off somewhere and left Denne and myself to find some lunch. Called up Flynn and before I knew it, Betty was parked outside Flynn's house seducing everything and everyone around it. Took Denne and Flynn to that (relatively) new Japanese joint and then bumped into Kiet who then told me that Yen Vo works in a chemist around the area so we all dropped in by to see how she was doin'. I like Yen, Yen is cool. She was working so we didn't interact as much as we wanted to and to be honest, it wasn't very appropriate for us to visit in the first place. Dope to know she's doing well though, might even be seeing her again in the presence of Eminem, J.Cole, Kendric Lamar and 360. So keen for J.Cole.

I don't think my grossing out Elita worked at all yesterday.. She asked me to come to some import convention with her tomorrow and even though I told her "depends on my mood at the time, most things do :L" I have a feeling I'm going to end up going anyway since I adore the appearances of import vehicles. She looked so distant yesterday, I was certain I wasn't going to hear from her at least for a few months. Guess knowing her current boyfriend from years back didn't help, if anything, I think he was the one who encouraged her to take me out again. Oh well, no point gloating about it I suppose. I'm going to enjoy myself tomorrow or at least, try to, shouldn't be hard. Hope there's food.

Attracting Flies - AlunaGeorge

Friday 13 December 2013

Music is.

"YEAH SURE!" - Dante Le
"HAHAHAHAAHAHHAAH" - Kevin and Dante Le

Pretty much bummed in my room all day, it was the best thing in the whole entire world, ever. In a totally unrelated topic, my urine is crystal clear but as I was peeing, I started to wonder how girls would go about seeing if their pee is clear or not, then I started to wonder if they get in an air-chair pose but then that would mean leaning over to see but then that would change the trajectory of the pee so pretty much, my day was spent thinking about pee, to be honest though, this has been one of my more "normal" days.

Went to Thanh's business thingy, had no idea what was being said, met 2 people and totally forgot their names the moment I left. Tai, Flynn, David Le and Elita were there, everyone looked uncomfortable which was probably why I enjoyed being there so much :L craved McNuggets so Flynn and Elita joined and we sat and ate and talked about shit I can no longer remember, that was awesome.

I remember grossing Elita out today, I made it clear what kind of person I was and I guess it was too much for her to handle, she looked extremely disturbed and I get a kick out of that. I think girls can be too nice but I was recently told that it's not because they're too nice, but it's because they don't want to appear not nice and you can't have one without the other. "Three sides to every story" I suppose. Hopefully she won't throw words like "close" before knowing virtually everything about a person.

I've become a very, very sexist person... Not good.

Also watched Bruce Almighty with Andy today, such a good movie.

Music Is - S-Dee

Thursday 12 December 2013

The game of love.

"Psh, my 12 year old son has more chest hair than you."
- Some customer at Skylark when I asked her if my chest hair resembled the bat symbol. Shots. Were. Fired. Feelings. Were. Hurt.

Was called up to be a translator for a couple of interviews for people I didn't even know, bummed/worked at Skylark because yolo and then went to play pool with Hoc and Seed where I got my manhood handed to me because yolo and we went out for coffee because yolo but seriously though, today was chill as because yolo.

Bumped into Thanh Phan and before I even got to say "hi" he pretty much forced me to agree to come to his house tomorrow at 7pm, he mentioned something about a presentation for his future business, sounded pretty serious, wonder what he's gonna introduce to the world. He even told me to bring friends so, if you're bored and in the area (or just bored) you guys should pop around, too, he lives up the road from my place.

I also found out that I get jealous over the most stupid shit, aye. I need to grow up cause this is ridiculous. I don't even want to admit that I'm jealous but that's totally jealousy right there. I'm so vulnerable to this shit now, like the smallest mention would make me uneasy and I don't like that, I don't think anyone does and I start doing things I normally wouldn't do, like it's painted on me or something. Feelings suck and the people who invoke those feels suck more, it's a shame that there aren't any ways around it, well, at least that I know of without seeming like a total wanker. Guess I'll go have a fap or something... HAHAHAHA oh, that was good, got to pat myself on the back for that one.

The Game Of Love - Santana & Michael Branch

Wednesday 11 December 2013


"Nice ass, I like it."
- Teresa Vu, talking to me of course, don't flatter yourself.

Today was cleaning day, there isn't really a set day of the week where Dante, mumsies and myself decide to clean, it's more like "bro! mumsies' coming, get your shit together! we're cleaning up the house!" and then we get to it and mumsies, being the OCD woman she is, joins us in our cleaning session all while listening to Vietnamese songs, like, tolerable ones, pretty catchy, too, mind you. Amazingly enough, it was all Dante's idea. I don't think we've had that much fun as a family in years :L

Went out to eat at Poppy's with Kiet, TD, Trampoline/Trumpet/Trumbum, Leon, KT and Hoa then went to gym with Kiet and that's where we bumped into Teresa and her boyfriend Kevin. I don't think I've touched up on this before but that nigga is fucking tall as fuck. he's like 3 and a half of me, obviously, that was an exaggeration but it's so rare to see Asians that tall unless I've been living a very, very sheltered life which would then be understandable but I'll let ya'll be the judge of that. I just go where I want to go and most of the time, that place is home, son.

Bro, I found this on some site but if you guys out there are bored and keen for a classy ass time, then open your favorite web browser and open thisthis and this at the same time and you better pull out a red fur coat, big ass leather chair, a smoking pipe and while you're at it, build a real fire place because fire places are dope as fuck.

Shine - Spektrem

Shine (Gabriel Drew & Bloom Remix) - Spektrem

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Last dance.

"Did you hear that, Trung? They said you look like me! I don't want them to think I'm as ugly as you! You're as ugly as your ugly dad!"
- Mumsies. She said it in Vietnamese so this is just a rough translation. Trung is my viet name, by the way.

Talk about harsh, I know I'm like, superfluous to insults but fucking christ..... She's definitely my mumsies alright. Cold, hard truth served on a cold, hard silver platter from the cold, hard freezer of "shit I want to say to my son but can't because that wouldn't be very motherly of me". 

Morning was spent doing the usual, wake up, had a fap, Zaraffa's and giving walkerbys suggestive looks as I place the cold cup of coffee to my nipples creating wet spots on my white shirt. I then got a call from mumsies asking me to be her bitch all day since her car is being used by Bobby. I don't think I've driven around so much in one day and to accompany mumsies for a day was pretty exhausting even though most if it was in the car. We went grocery shopping, got lost looking for Andy's graduation venue, picked up Andy then dropped him off at said venue, took mumsies to the butcher next to vu hai like, 4 times all throughout the day to pick up a simple order they fucked up, bought KFC for Alanna and David Bui Nguyen and worked at their shop until Andy needed to be picked up from his graduation. Holy shit, sweat patches started to form under my legs which was a first and that sucked.

But man, Andy graduated... He must've been like, the only one to rock up in school uniform, it was his choice but man did I feel bad when I dropped him off and I saw everyone else in million dollar suits and dresses. It's funny to know that Andy is "that guy" in his year level :L even though I didn't go to my year 7 graduation, I heard from Hannah that Andrew Pateman did what Andy did and to know that those two share something similar doesn't sit too well with me, that sounded racist, I think I'm racist, guys, wait, no, that can't be right, racism is a crime and crime is for black people. Andy's friends seemed really scared of me when I went to pick him up, wonder what's been said... Andy's probably talking shit again, bless his soul.

Last Dance - World Order

Monday 9 December 2013

Flight of the navigator.

"You can be Chestbrah, I'll be Breastbrah HAHAHAHA"
- Dante Le, I can't even begin to tell you how dry that joke was when it was told, it still makes me cringe when I think about it.

It's been awhile since I've seen my old man and almost out of no where, I got a call from him asking me to install internet into his home. Dante always told me he only contacts us when he needed something and I was starting to see what he meant but I never thought he was so simple. I used to hate that dude's guts, every fiber of my body wanted to clock him one in the jaw every time I hear mention of him but I'm starting not to give a shit about anything anymore so I ended up at his house and bonding with my little half sisters while I pretended to know what I was doing. I finished the installation by some miracle then got home where I thought about the days when the family was whole, I don't think anyone but me was happy then but that's only because I was too young to know any better, as far as I was concerned, A day where I didn't poop myself was a good day.

There're very little things that can top that feeling when you drive around in a full tank, granted, it did rip $80 out of my asshole but it's easy to get over once you realized you're set for quite awhile. Melara even popped by for a visit, bumped into Kieran Cook and Rhys O'Conner at the gym and bought the new drink they sold at Zaraffa's. "Frambois Mocha Fusion" they called it, sounds so damn fancy when it's just chocolate sprinkled with raspberry and that's what my Monday was comprised of. 

All these posts about Stereosonic is making me depressed, like a sinking feeling, not pleasant at all. Think I'm gonna give Facebook a rest for a few days, I hope it'll all blow over then. At least I got Youtube to keep me company-  Oh wait, nevermind, it's all over Youtube, too. Goddamn Asians.

Flight Of The Navigator - Childish Gambino

For some odd reason, I can't link the song so I'll just leave the title here for when I look back and recall all these dope as songs I've left for myself.

Sunday 8 December 2013


"Kevin, I have a mission for you!"
- Dante Le, he says this quite a bit now that I think about it.

Dude, it's 4:40am, what do ? Whenever I'm awake at some ungodly hour, it's mostly because of this blog, I sit there with a blank page for like, 3 hours, not knowing what to type about, I gradually become more and more desperate to the point where I type out shit like this. Oh god, the sun is up, I haven't all nighted in ages and my eyes are starting to fail me. 

Spent the entire day annoying Andy, I'm honestly amazed he can put up with my shit but I guess he doesn't really have a choice which is kinda sad. I had Betty for the morning but didn't feel like going anywhere, I had internet and a laptop but I didn't feel like using it so I just laid on the ground like a dead bumblebee, waiting for the next thing to pop up but nothing did, and I'm okay with that, just one of those days, man. 

The night was spent doing small jobs and earning moneyz, if I had the chance to do these jobs earlier, I might've been doof doof-ing at Stereo but moping about it now isn't going to do me much good, guess I'll save up for something important, like mini fridge or a waffle maker or a pet tortoise yeah, that shit would be cool as fuck.

 Hurricane (Stop The Car Remix) - Bridget Mendler

Saturday 7 December 2013

If I lose myself.

"There's just something about a Saturday night."
- Myvy Ngo, she must've said those words like, 30 times today. It didn't bug me or anything, I just found it odd that out of all the things that has been said today, that stuck the most.

Opened my eyes to a dude I've never seen before, peering into my bedroom window. The dude looked so excited so I guess he was here to pick up that Stereosonic ticket Dante successfully advertised for Myvy and I was right. I don't think I've seen anyone run to their car and drive off as fast as that guy did :L looked like his day was made and I never even got to catch his name. Walked to Zaraffa's since Betty was no where in sight and just bummed there for what felt like ages. T'was awesome.

Dante and I aren't as close as people think we are but it was dope how I could depend on him for something like that, there wasn't a sign of hesitation from the dude, if anything, he wanted to help but I could be wrong :L I barely understand he says let alone what he thinks.

It took me awhile to register the fact that Stereosonic started today and that meant that I couldn't do anything with anyone even if I wanted to and that's a very strange feeling to have, almost like being granted freedom only to have it taken away again and you're just left there wondering what the fuck just happened. It was probably just because I didn't have Betty for the last few days though, that didn't help either.

I hate keeping things that aren't mine so the moment Betty came back, I crashed Myvy's place. I had a mountain load of things to tell her, all of which weren't nice but to come to her house, yell at her and leave is as low as you can go so even though I was trembling with anticipation, it all went away eventually, I'm sure that was the last thing she needed anyway. I bummed in her backyard, for what seemed like minutes but in reality, I had stayed there for hours talking about stuff and fluff until I was kicked out :L I got to tell her all those things I've been meaning to tell her from high school, it's not like a load has been lifted from my shoulders but it did feel good to say what I couldn't for years and even though it sounds like I confessed my love for her when I re-read this post, I assure you it wasn't, if anything, it was the opposite of a confession of love. I would've made a scene if I told her any where else, I imagine.

Drove home where Dante asked me to run a few errands and even though the traffic was minimal, it made me remember that while my whole day was happening, there was an insane amount of doof doof playing elsewhere but I enjoyed today, probably even more so than if I did take up Myvy's offer to Stereosonic. I still can't get over that though :L "I'm giving away my ticket." Crazy.

If I Lose Myself (Chris Ko's Piano Cover) - Alesso & One Republic

I just remembered I spoke to Chris Ko in grade 12 once, what were the chances of this dude popping up again ? hahaha

Friday 6 December 2013

Watch us fly.

"You got to be a realist to survive in this world, Kevin." - Dante Le
"You know, that's exactly what Jack said to be a few days ago." - Kevin Le
".... I take that back. Goodbye, Kevin." - Dante Le
"Did you guys smell that?" - Andy Le

I like the feeling of being depended on, as I'm sure anyone else would. I think it's the self-satisfaction of ending the day on a high note just because you did the only reasonable thing to do, even though it's common sense, people tend to give more gratitude than what it's actually worth but then again, I suppose it's because common sense isn't that common anymore. 

Dante gave me call at around 7am asking me to pick him up from his girlfriend's house since his means of transportation is currently out of commission and because of that, he'd been taking Betty to work, training, outings among other things, I don't mind at all, it's just that I worry on the off-chance that something important will pop up where I would need a form of transportation but hey, what are the chances of that happening ?

Hoc and Seed appeared at my doorstep to invite me out for pool since they were bored so a majority of my day was spent there but what shocked me was the text I received during my last game with Hoc. Myvy had asked me if I wanted to go to Stereosonic in her place for free since shit happened and she feels obligated to stay. I lost my shit, man. I mean, a chance to go to Stereosonic for nothing is nothing short of a dream too good to be true and as much as I was encouraged to take it and go, I didn't think I would be happy if I did, so I didn't. The rest of my evening was spent chilling with Myvy and Vinh and when they legged it, it was spent chilling with Denne and Squishy and when they legged it, it was spent with Dante, attemmpting to sell a ticket for an event that was happening in less than 24 hours, needless to say though, we tore that shit up!

Nothing motivates me more than knowing that people wholeheartedly believe you can't do something. That desire to prove people wrong is amazingly strong and stubbornness is a trait that comes with that motivation. Long story short; Dante, Andy and I did something people thought impossible and I suppose the moral of what happened the last few hours or so is to never lose hope, even in a hopeless situation. Something I will keep with me forever. Now that I think about it, I don't think it was because we put forth effort into making it happen but because it was there, there was nothing to lose from giving it a shot, I make it out as if I traversed endless plains but in reality, it was as simple as asking around. Sorry to seem arrogant.

Saw a lot of people today, it was nice.

Watch Us Fly (Light Up The Sky) - NAK & Elyon Beats

Thursday 5 December 2013


- Kevin Le, when Jehovah's witnesses come to his door and asked if he heard of Jesus

Woke up earlier than usual so I could give Hoa a lift to work. Saw his car (or what was left of it) at the front of his house and I'm amazed he survived the crash, the windows and front bumper were shattered to pieces among other things and it was a really depressing sight to see a car I've spent a lot of time in in that state. Hoa took me around often, I didn't nag him to take me places, he just dragged me along to wherever he was going so there was no way I could turn him down. Took him to Goodna and then I went on an adventure. I don't know my way around Inala let alone anywhere else but I admit it was fun being lost but I'll also admit that that was one of the times I wished I had a smart phone instead of the weird flip-slidey thing I have at the moment.

Being awake at such an hour presented events I would not have participated in otherwise, such as answering the home phone to advertisers and companies or trolling Jehova's witnesses, that had to be the best part of my day by miles.

JW: Hello! My name is Inga and this is Mary (their names even sound Jehova's witnessy) and we'd like to spread the word of our savior.

Kevin: Who?

JW: Jesus Christ! could we read you a scripture from the bible "Revelations 21:4" ?

Kevin: Sure thing.

JW: He will something something tears, something something no more death something something

Kevin: I'm sorry, I don't speak any English. Have a nice day.

Oh god, I wish I could show you their faces when I told them I never heard of Jesus Christ, can you imagine though ? that's like finding someone who doesn't know that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's old man. I don't dislike Jehova's witnesses or any other religion for that matter but it's really hard to resist having fun when the moment appears at your front door on a silver platter like that but they did say they will come back so I'm not really looking forward facing them again.

Bummed at Leon's, drove Hoc's cousin Katie home and bummed with Kiet, a lot of driving happened today.

Demons (Dzeko & Torres Remix) - Imagine Dragons

Mad props to Myvy for this lovely cuppa.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

All the small things.

"if no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it then how bad of a decision can it really be?"
-mikewaters, another dude from tumblr

Every now and then, I'd get visitors, I had thought this would occur significantly less since Tai now lives a stone's throw away from my joint but apparently not. Jack Nguyen and Matt Dwyer dropped by to chill and we talked about things we normally wouldn't talk about, like living arrangements and plans for the future, I think all that weed is starting to get to them but they were right about one thing though, I need to get my hands on a air-conditioning system ASAP. This humidity is a little much.

I talked shit with Lam and Teresa til we had to bolt home and took a detour to Leon's house where I found out that Oscar, Tram, Hoc, Tai, Vinh, Alex, TD and Teddy have been staying on and off for the last 3-4 days playing games, holy shit, isn't that impressive ? it didn't look like anyone had moved for hours, reminds me of that South Park episode where they all played World Of Warcraft. I had very little purpose staying at such an environment since the only games I play are Street Fighter and Stepmania and even then, it's not much. Also saw Leon in make-up. It actually looks good on him, I'm a little frightened.

All The Small Things - Blink 182

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Fast life.

"You look so different now! Are you training for stereo?"
- Thy Nguyen

Who honestly trains for Stereosonic ? To shape your body and put an enormous amount of effort and consideration into each body part JUST to get a sunburn and accidentally become a parent at a place with lots and lots of doof doof seems a little off to me. Maybe I'm just jealous that I'm not going but it might be for the best since I dislike cardio and my body leaves much to be desired but it's a process I suppose, a tedious, long-winded one at that. I'd like to compensate with Dash but the venue change makes me want to excrete fecal matter from my mouth and now I have no idea how that's going to turn out. Guess I'll find out as I go along.

Ran by KFC before the gym so I can have a meal to come home to and got in that "9 pieces of chicken for $9.95" swag and even know this isn't important, I just wanted to write that I demolished that shit fast, like, in record time. Drilled 5 pieces and half a tub of gravy before the opening of One Piece finished, even I'm amazed.

Bumped into Thy at the gym, she hadn't been there since the free membership promotion and that was like, 3 months ago :L It must be shattering to pay for all those months but not attend. She walked up to me and the first thing we did was dance to Redfoo's "Let's get Ridiculous" and it was magical. People can be so cool, makes me sad that I didn't get to know them any better but at the same time, I'm kinda relieved. Even though people can be so cool, it isn't uncommon for them to be complete wankers as well.

Fast Life - Kero One & Esna

Monday 2 December 2013


"Ummm, Kevin ? yeah, your car got egged."
- Dante Le, there really are some testicles out there.

Yo, this is all kinds of fucked up, yo. Some boofhead thought it'd be awesome to throw eggs at Betty, can you believe that ? that's like .... I can't think of a funny analogy at the moment but if I did have one, this is where I'd put it and it'd be awesome. But I'm glad it was just a few eggs, things have been a little dangerous and people are a little bit on edge lately, especially when it comes to cars. Tai was the first, then it was Leon, then it was Hoa, all within the last month, shit, even Paul Walker kicked the bucket in a car accident (Rest In Peace, mate.) We're all extremely lucky that the casualties were kept to a minimum but it's still worrisome. 

Spent the morning dealing with Andy's high school enrollment interview and laughing at the new uniforms with the uniform ladies who shared the same opinion and chased a rat throughout the school at the request of some high school girls, disrupting pretty much every class in B and C block, brought back so many memories, particularly of the days I spent chasing that fucking turkey around campus but I digress.

Afternoon was spent cleaning that god awful smell of eggs off Betty, it was apparently at Kiet's house the night before that it was hit but silly me, didn't even notice but I do recall Kiet looking out the window towards the road while I was in his room so that must've been when it happened. Nigga, it stankkkkkk

Fences (LeMarquis Remix) - Phoenix