Thursday 26 December 2013

Ars gratia artis.

"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out ?
Ah, but what if it does ?" 
- Peter McWilliams

Holy god, why is it so hot ? this humidity is about as brutal as those punishment games the Japanese play and that's pretty damn brutal. This heat has gotten me woozy, I don't feel like doing anything, as far as I was concerned, the only thing I did worth mentioning was cutting my nails and napping on Dante's van whilst being practically naked and despite my street being not on a main road, a surprising amount of pedestrians like to walk around here, all of which don't take too kindly to practically naked asians cutting nails and napping on vans. What has this world come to ? I thought this was Inala, they shouldn't be surprised even if I was fisting a small animal, let alone rubbing my nipples. 

No car, no people, couldn't leave even if I wanted to, it was restricting but it was a dope ass day, it was like I was forced into staying home and doing nothing which isn't really something I hate, if anything, I'd go out of my way just so I can keep it the way it is.

Bumming at Leon's yesterday got me thinking; I used to be the guy who would host the parties and cleaning up after was always a massive bitch, it was something I eventually got used to but I never realized how bad I'd feel after being one of those people who were responsible for the mess until today. I told him that if he needed a hand, he should give me a call but guys are stubborn, man. He'd never admit he'd need help even when it's offered so I bought him a game on steam and while I was at it, I bought everyone a game on steam, even people I never met before, it felt pretty good. I'm so glad they had a wishlist otherwise I don't think I would've bought anyone anything. That was $100 well spent I'd say.

Ars Gratia Artis - Sucka Free CJ / CJ Trillo

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