Monday 16 December 2013

Love a little more.

"You argue and you bicker and you fight. Atheists and Catholics, Jews and Hindus argue day and night, over what they think is true, but no one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you."
- Bo Burnham 

My old man took me out for Pho and man, even though that nigga fucked up the Le family, he sure knows how to get my attention, how can anyone decline a Pho invitation ? in a joint I never knew existed no less, exciting, even if it was at Biota street :L 

I really had no plans of doing anything today. I was determined to be so lazy, that I wouldn't even get up to go pee, I'd hold it in until it would eventually go away. I made it a point to sleep my hours away, on my bed, on my floor, on my couch, outside, on Dante's bed, on Dante's van and at times, sleep on two things at once and it'd be the best thing in the history of all the things, ever. Kept this up well until I was beckoned to Sunnybank where the gods of pool awaited me, I fought and I fought, balls were smashed and sunk, it was a arduous and relentless battle, a free-for-all between Hieu the Seed who seemed to have sprouted a little after today, Den Den, the master of bullshit fluke shots and his girlfriend, Squishy who' simply, squishy. Went home, had a wank and did what I always do, Fuck all.

Bumped into Tony, that dude is as strong as ever, man. Can't get over it, I think I'm starting to fan-girl over him a little, it's quite disturbing but whenever I see the dude, I try everything I can to try and best him and then I'm reminded by the cold, harsh reality that is, Tony Huynh. I swear he's retarded or something.

Love A Little More (Ride The Universe Remix) - Moon & Walker

1 comment:

  1. Well if its any consolidation, I put all my stat points into LUK.
