Monday 23 December 2013

Breathe in.

"Feel the burn!"
- Tony Huynh

Stayed up real late last night because I was convinced that Tai was gonna counter attack, I mean, the dude is a rock's throw away from me, there's no reason why he wouldn't but this must be one of those psychological warfare approaches but there's also a high chance that he's completely forgotten about yesterday and I'm preparing my body for nothing but I'd be found dead on a goat with a condom before Tai catches me like I caught him. I still chuckle whenever I remember the moment :L I really, really wish I captured the moment, man.

Tagged along with Kiet to get his green P's and we bumped into my old personal trainer and Toan who seems to have lost quite a bit of weight, props to that guy, as intolerable as he was. We got out faster than we expected which left us in quite a pickle, we had no idea what to do but we knew that we didn't want to be bored, called up a few mates to see if they were home and ended up at Anthony Ton's house and we literally did fuck all, it was wonderful. He's got such a docile pet dog :L

Decided to hit the gym at 10pm and bumped into Tony who literally just got back from Sydney. I took this chance to bond with the bloke a little and did his workout and it made me feel dope to know that I can kinda keep now as opposed to what it was like when I first started. Shit is fantastic.

Breathe In - Japanese Wallpaper & Wafia

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