Saturday 21 December 2013


"Hold up, gonna take another shit."
- Andy Le, this dude has been going in and out of my room taking shits, it's amazing. It's like 3am, too.

Morning was dope. Woke up, sunny as fuck, gave Betty a wash, went for coffee and bummed with Mumsies and Bobby all afternoon, real chill. Scored a wallet Mumsies kept stored away and inside that wallet is a picture of Andy and Mumsies, there's also a cutout picture of me glued to the corner of the image and it amazed me because of how different Andy and I looked. Believe it or not, Andy was actually skinny at one point and was a polar opposite of what he is today and I was much chubbier, with a real attitude, too, shit, I'd knock myself out if given half the chance. I showed Dante when I got home and he gave me a picture of himself in high school and now I can't help but laugh out loud whenever I open my wallet :L You would too, I'm sure. Dante brought home the lower half of a mannequin, many laughs were had. 

I was asked to hop in Thanh's car and before I knew what was happening, I ended up at this Christmas party in a room filled with people I didn't know. I danced, talked and participated in the games. It's a strange experience, not the party itself but how they went about celebrating Christmas. They did things like Charades and thinking games as well as puzzles and mind games, like a real traditional bunch, kinda like the shit you see in an American family show whereas I would stay home as if it were any other day in the year. The whole time I was thinking "wow, people actually do this shit?" but shit nigga, free food, even if it was all strictly vegetarian. I don't think I could get along with people like that, they seem a little too uptight, it's a wonder how Thanh can adapt so well to others like that.

Came home to find Denne drooling on my pillow and Squishy sleeping on my couch. Denne lost some sort of bet and so was forced to get his legs waxed, why did they choose to do it at my place ? I wouldn't have a clue but then again, why wouldn't they ? 

Andy snores really loud.

Jetlag - Blue Satellite 

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