Sunday 29 December 2013

I'm a fool.

"Hey, Kevin, you want some black cock?"
- Andy Le, as he offered me some coke.

Woke up to the sound of Dante's lovely screaming voice through my window which startled both Teddy and myself. Dante got to meet Teddy and Teddy got to meet Dante, it's weird how easy going Dante is now, I remember when I first brought friends over, he wanted nothing to do with anyone, then again, it might've been because I was in primary school and no one wants to be close with nosy, spoiled brats that live in Inala.

After hours of doing nothing but thinking about where we should go to eat, we settled on Little Singapore at Sunnybank, it never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to get what you want, the people I know would hide behind some stupid excuse like "it's too far." or "it's too hot" or "it's too far and hot." but no one ever entertains the thought that maybe you didn't want it enough. I can chill around Teddy, he's simple, well, as far as I'm concerned but even if he isn't, I wouldn't want to know because it's dope to see eye to eye with someone else that's real on the surface.

Drove Teddy to his joint, went home and moved Andy's computer in my room, guess I just wanted to observe him :L how can he just sit there for hours on end and only move when he wants to eat or when he needs to shit, sometimes, he doesn't even move when he needs to shit, he just sits there and prays it goes away, it's really amazing. He uses my TV as a monitor and he somehow got me into one of his games, this is not good. Skyrim is so beautiful.

I'm A Fool - Sucka Free CJ / CJ Trillo

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