Sunday 22 December 2013

Somewhere only we know.

- Tai Pham. I don't think I've ever heard Tai yell/scream until today.

I kinda barged into Tai's house this morning and scared the living organs out of that dude, holy shit, I really, really wish I caught the moment, describing the moment would be redundant since I do not possess the ability to articulate such an experience through text so I'll just say he had his mouth open, he was really loud and he covered his junk and his nipples with both hands even though he wasn't naked. And if he says otherwise, he's fucking liar.

Morning was spent in the company of two lovely ladies by the names of Hong Nguyen and Lynn Pham. Bummed at the markets, ate at the markets and somehow ended up at South Bank where we watched Anchorman 2 and since I have yet to watch the prequel, the idea didn't leave much to be desired but shit, man, I was with 2 people I rarely get the chance to see so making the best of what I had was a given. I like Lynn and Hong and I don't want to come across as someone who doesn't, it just isn't easy since we're ridiculously different, they have things like sympathy and concerns and shit, a bubble no one can pop and I was just kinda there, around that bubble and even though it sounds like I didn't have a dope time, I did :L and I don't think I'd have it any other way :L

Crashed Kiet's house and accidentally napped on his bed while he does Kiet things. I was unusually tired today, couldn't stop yawning ever since the cinemas. Guess Hong's dopiness is contagious or something.
Today was a good day, better than most but I can't help but wonder what Tai's going to do to me when he gets the chance, there's no way anyone would let me off without at least a slap on the wrist, or in this case, a punch in the face. I'm getting excited.

Somewhere Only We Know - Keane

Somewhere Only We Know (Lily Allen Cover) - Keane