Wednesday 18 December 2013

Remember the time.

"Have I asked you how your day was yet?"
- Hoa Nguyen, he was trying to make small talk but he didn't remember if he had made that already so did the most logical thing and asked, god, that was funny.

Woke up early to have coffee with Hoa on the way to his work place. Must be a real cunt to not have a means of flexible transportation, I'm honestly amazed he still has a job but knowing that guy, he's probably asking for lifts from everyone, carefully picking each of the guys so that he won't be a bother but really he was never one to begin with, it's too bad that people can only view themselves as liabilities because it would seem cocky otherwise. I like driving to places I haven't been to before, which is like, almost everywhere since driving isn't something I do much of and when I do, I don't even know where I'm going, I just do what the person sitting on the passenger side says and when there's no one there, I'm usually lost/on an adventure/on the way to maccas.

Man, I sure know how to pick images for these posts. Goddamn. 

Also bumped into Thanh, Randy and Lam at the gym and let me tell you; Randy is hands down, the worst person you could have at the gym, holy shit, I can't even begin to tell you why his attitude is simply not fit in a gym environment, the shit that Lam has to put up with man, I'm amazed his sanity is still intact and I know it seems like I'm being too harsh on Randy and that's because I am. That was frustrating as fuck. More power to you, Lam. I also found out that I hate excuses more than I thought.

Remember the time (Funk LeBlanc Remix) - Michael Jackson

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