Tuesday 17 December 2013


"heh, music is dope."
- Kevin Le, found myself saying that a lot today.

Had one of those days were I wanted to leave the house, just not in a car so I did what I thought I would never have to do again, I walked... like, with my feet, it was weird as. I like the mornings, it's a shame it takes so much effort to be conscious during that time of the day. Bought breakfast which was just a pork roll and milk tea and grass jelly, doesn't get more Inala than that. I bought extra to feed the mouths waiting for me at home which was nice, brothers really are something else, aye :L I forget that Dante is twenty-fucking-five most of the time. Got to see many familiar faces on that little walk, Tony, Mylinh, Tracy, Squishy to name a few, none of which even noticed my presence due to my slim, ninja-like figure and cat-like reflexes which is to be expected from someone of my abilities. It's pretty amusing to see the people to kinda know doe their own thing, kinda makes me want to stalk people, I probably should not have typed that. 

Thanh was at my place when I got back, said he wanted me to make him a playlist for his car since he does a fair bit of driving, managed to cram 70 or so songs onto a CD which actually works in his car, can you imagine ? having to press a button like 50 times just to get to the song you want to listen to ? :L I wish him luck with that but he seemed to be enjoying it so far so that's good. We talked about what's been happening with us and who we hang around, was asked to kick it with his clique but I don't know if I want to get into something like that again, man. I kinda like it here.. it's vury comfy.

Gibberish (Michael Carreon Cover) - Ryan Leslie

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