Tuesday 3 December 2013

Fast life.

"You look so different now! Are you training for stereo?"
- Thy Nguyen

Who honestly trains for Stereosonic ? To shape your body and put an enormous amount of effort and consideration into each body part JUST to get a sunburn and accidentally become a parent at a place with lots and lots of doof doof seems a little off to me. Maybe I'm just jealous that I'm not going but it might be for the best since I dislike cardio and my body leaves much to be desired but it's a process I suppose, a tedious, long-winded one at that. I'd like to compensate with Dash but the venue change makes me want to excrete fecal matter from my mouth and now I have no idea how that's going to turn out. Guess I'll find out as I go along.

Ran by KFC before the gym so I can have a meal to come home to and got in that "9 pieces of chicken for $9.95" swag and even know this isn't important, I just wanted to write that I demolished that shit fast, like, in record time. Drilled 5 pieces and half a tub of gravy before the opening of One Piece finished, even I'm amazed.

Bumped into Thy at the gym, she hadn't been there since the free membership promotion and that was like, 3 months ago :L It must be shattering to pay for all those months but not attend. She walked up to me and the first thing we did was dance to Redfoo's "Let's get Ridiculous" and it was magical. People can be so cool, makes me sad that I didn't get to know them any better but at the same time, I'm kinda relieved. Even though people can be so cool, it isn't uncommon for them to be complete wankers as well.

Fast Life - Kero One & Esna

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