Tuesday 24 December 2013


"Next year, we'll go $200 for secret santa!"
- Hoc Vu

Didn't feel like Christmas Eve, shit, it didn't even feel like December. I spent the last few Christmases with the guys so I figured it'd be with family from now on but a relative of mine passed away so now everyone feels it'd be inappropriate to celebrate when someone close to them died not long ago so to make up for that, my aunt took Mumsies, Bobby and myself to sizzler's where we spent our Christmas Eve lunch there since our family is pretty tight-kept. Shit is expensive, man, and that steak was totally not 500grams, niggas be ballin' as fuck.

Got to Leon's, went out for dinner with the guys and pretty much did what we do every other Christmas. Played drinking games only to sober up not long after and chilled for the rest of the night, like, literally, the whole night. Even though I brought my bed over, I never had the chance to sleep on it, I stayed awake, talking to Alex and TD as Vinh and Hoa passed out on my mattress, the others were kinda scattered around the place :L I don't remember what I did, staying up, pacing around the house, cleaning here and there til the sun came up, it was pretty dull now that I remember it but that was only because when I did try to sleep, Leon's hand slid off his bed and smacked me in the balls.

I wasn't apart of secret santa this year, I guess it was because all this lack of information is making me want to take a break from "2dn" and it's completely my fault, I think it's just me being stubborn but there's something gone that was there before. I know this will only add fire to the flame but I think my living with Trumpet caused this. I'm sure I'll touch up on this more later on.

3005 - Childish Gambino

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