Monday 9 December 2013

Flight of the navigator.

"You can be Chestbrah, I'll be Breastbrah HAHAHAHA"
- Dante Le, I can't even begin to tell you how dry that joke was when it was told, it still makes me cringe when I think about it.

It's been awhile since I've seen my old man and almost out of no where, I got a call from him asking me to install internet into his home. Dante always told me he only contacts us when he needed something and I was starting to see what he meant but I never thought he was so simple. I used to hate that dude's guts, every fiber of my body wanted to clock him one in the jaw every time I hear mention of him but I'm starting not to give a shit about anything anymore so I ended up at his house and bonding with my little half sisters while I pretended to know what I was doing. I finished the installation by some miracle then got home where I thought about the days when the family was whole, I don't think anyone but me was happy then but that's only because I was too young to know any better, as far as I was concerned, A day where I didn't poop myself was a good day.

There're very little things that can top that feeling when you drive around in a full tank, granted, it did rip $80 out of my asshole but it's easy to get over once you realized you're set for quite awhile. Melara even popped by for a visit, bumped into Kieran Cook and Rhys O'Conner at the gym and bought the new drink they sold at Zaraffa's. "Frambois Mocha Fusion" they called it, sounds so damn fancy when it's just chocolate sprinkled with raspberry and that's what my Monday was comprised of. 

All these posts about Stereosonic is making me depressed, like a sinking feeling, not pleasant at all. Think I'm gonna give Facebook a rest for a few days, I hope it'll all blow over then. At least I got Youtube to keep me company-  Oh wait, nevermind, it's all over Youtube, too. Goddamn Asians.

Flight Of The Navigator - Childish Gambino

For some odd reason, I can't link the song so I'll just leave the title here for when I look back and recall all these dope as songs I've left for myself.

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