Friday 6 December 2013

Watch us fly.

"You got to be a realist to survive in this world, Kevin." - Dante Le
"You know, that's exactly what Jack said to be a few days ago." - Kevin Le
".... I take that back. Goodbye, Kevin." - Dante Le
"Did you guys smell that?" - Andy Le

I like the feeling of being depended on, as I'm sure anyone else would. I think it's the self-satisfaction of ending the day on a high note just because you did the only reasonable thing to do, even though it's common sense, people tend to give more gratitude than what it's actually worth but then again, I suppose it's because common sense isn't that common anymore. 

Dante gave me call at around 7am asking me to pick him up from his girlfriend's house since his means of transportation is currently out of commission and because of that, he'd been taking Betty to work, training, outings among other things, I don't mind at all, it's just that I worry on the off-chance that something important will pop up where I would need a form of transportation but hey, what are the chances of that happening ?

Hoc and Seed appeared at my doorstep to invite me out for pool since they were bored so a majority of my day was spent there but what shocked me was the text I received during my last game with Hoc. Myvy had asked me if I wanted to go to Stereosonic in her place for free since shit happened and she feels obligated to stay. I lost my shit, man. I mean, a chance to go to Stereosonic for nothing is nothing short of a dream too good to be true and as much as I was encouraged to take it and go, I didn't think I would be happy if I did, so I didn't. The rest of my evening was spent chilling with Myvy and Vinh and when they legged it, it was spent chilling with Denne and Squishy and when they legged it, it was spent with Dante, attemmpting to sell a ticket for an event that was happening in less than 24 hours, needless to say though, we tore that shit up!

Nothing motivates me more than knowing that people wholeheartedly believe you can't do something. That desire to prove people wrong is amazingly strong and stubbornness is a trait that comes with that motivation. Long story short; Dante, Andy and I did something people thought impossible and I suppose the moral of what happened the last few hours or so is to never lose hope, even in a hopeless situation. Something I will keep with me forever. Now that I think about it, I don't think it was because we put forth effort into making it happen but because it was there, there was nothing to lose from giving it a shot, I make it out as if I traversed endless plains but in reality, it was as simple as asking around. Sorry to seem arrogant.

Saw a lot of people today, it was nice.

Watch Us Fly (Light Up The Sky) - NAK & Elyon Beats

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