Friday 20 December 2013


"Bro, Betty's a dude...."
- Dante Le.

Yeah, I had no fucking idea. This entire time I owned Betty, I had no idea that she was actually a he, I've been calling a male a "slut" for months, that is like, the biggest compliment you could EVER give a guy and to be honest, I don't know why it isn't the same for girls. Words are weird but yeah, Betty is a dude, how about that ? I don't think I'll ever get used to this and I know Dante was entirely serious because the idea came from the movie "Kung Pow" and that movie pretty much shaped our childhood.

I was going to type a little about my day but I'm sorry, I seriously cannot believe that I've been riding a dude that's practically blushing 24/7, I hold his stick in the majority of time I spent INSIDE him, I turn him off and on multiple times on a daily basis. This must be what it feels like having a girlfriend for years only to find out she has a penis right before intercourse. It's not a pleasant feeling but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound, right ? I might as well be gay anyway, this "people with vaginas" thing isn't really working but I just cannot get excited over a penis, I don't think anyone can get excited over something that looks like it belongs hanging out of a sharks mouth. I wish I were gay, that'd be cool.

This has become an unnecessarily graphic post, I wouldn't call it personal but it's definitely something not everyone would want to read but it's not like I plan these things, I just type it as I go. I miss out a lot of content on all of these posts, I just don't recall them until I re-read them weeks later. I'd burn cities down to the ground for a cheese and bacon sausage roll right now, awww yeeeee.

Flute - New World Sound

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