Saturday 14 December 2013

Attracting flies.

"You didn't really understand what Thanh and David were talking about yesterday, did you?" - Tai Pham
"Of course not." - Kevin Le, a small exchange we had when Tai popped by for a visit, how nice of him.

Denne and then Tai crashed my sanctuary and woke my ass up around 11 and we discussed their secret santa thing cars and the usual things disgusting teenage males talk about before Tai headed off somewhere and left Denne and myself to find some lunch. Called up Flynn and before I knew it, Betty was parked outside Flynn's house seducing everything and everyone around it. Took Denne and Flynn to that (relatively) new Japanese joint and then bumped into Kiet who then told me that Yen Vo works in a chemist around the area so we all dropped in by to see how she was doin'. I like Yen, Yen is cool. She was working so we didn't interact as much as we wanted to and to be honest, it wasn't very appropriate for us to visit in the first place. Dope to know she's doing well though, might even be seeing her again in the presence of Eminem, J.Cole, Kendric Lamar and 360. So keen for J.Cole.

I don't think my grossing out Elita worked at all yesterday.. She asked me to come to some import convention with her tomorrow and even though I told her "depends on my mood at the time, most things do :L" I have a feeling I'm going to end up going anyway since I adore the appearances of import vehicles. She looked so distant yesterday, I was certain I wasn't going to hear from her at least for a few months. Guess knowing her current boyfriend from years back didn't help, if anything, I think he was the one who encouraged her to take me out again. Oh well, no point gloating about it I suppose. I'm going to enjoy myself tomorrow or at least, try to, shouldn't be hard. Hope there's food.

Attracting Flies - AlunaGeorge

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