Saturday 28 December 2013

Makin' good love.

"Do not give him hope where there is none."
- Thranduil, some elf dude from the new Hobit movie I watched yesterday, don't know why but it stuck.

Mumsies has a warped notion of "treasure", it's almost like sentimental value is of no concern to her. I was told to come by Mumsies place for breakfast, which I did. I placed my phone and wallet on the counter and Mumsies happened to see the picture Dante gave me to put in my wallet and without a second thought, she took the photo and cut it up. I can't be the only one who thinks that's fucked up. I had it in such a way that I could see Mumsies, Andy, Dante and myself but now that she cut it up, I can't see us anymore. I went there to eat and left without a photo of Dante and without eating, I just wasn't in the mood anymore. As I left, Mumsies screamed and yelled questioning why am I making such a big deal over something so small and I didn't know how to explain it to her so I left without a word. She was throwing chopsticks and a tantrum as I drove off and I knew I was in the wrong, she's family after all. She came by hours later with pictures of Dante from an old album but it wasn't the same. You can't replace something that was given to you and I don't think Mumsies could comprehend that. I got home and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, I cried, man. I cried and let it all out. Women are mysterious beings, bro. They're the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. They can make you feel like you're on top of the world and above but they can also shit inside of your heart and do everything that goes against everything you were raised to believe and act like it's as natural as breathing. I can't prepare myself for it anymore. It's pretty fucked up.

Teddy asked me to come to Leon's and I figured this is what I needed, a little time off to be where I could lose my footing for a bit and just stay on the ground. It was dope. Everyone played Super Smash Bros. and then went home. Teddy and I went for a little 12am cruise around the area, stopping by for slushies 7/11 and drove 120 on 60 roads as chill music played from the CD player. You can only imagine how nice it felt and here I am now, recapping my day with Teddy passed out on my bed. Guess I'll go shower and find something to eat.

Makin' Good Love (Somo Cover) - Avant

Makin' Good Love (Michael Carreon Cover) - Avant

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