Thursday 12 December 2013

The game of love.

"Psh, my 12 year old son has more chest hair than you."
- Some customer at Skylark when I asked her if my chest hair resembled the bat symbol. Shots. Were. Fired. Feelings. Were. Hurt.

Was called up to be a translator for a couple of interviews for people I didn't even know, bummed/worked at Skylark because yolo and then went to play pool with Hoc and Seed where I got my manhood handed to me because yolo and we went out for coffee because yolo but seriously though, today was chill as because yolo.

Bumped into Thanh Phan and before I even got to say "hi" he pretty much forced me to agree to come to his house tomorrow at 7pm, he mentioned something about a presentation for his future business, sounded pretty serious, wonder what he's gonna introduce to the world. He even told me to bring friends so, if you're bored and in the area (or just bored) you guys should pop around, too, he lives up the road from my place.

I also found out that I get jealous over the most stupid shit, aye. I need to grow up cause this is ridiculous. I don't even want to admit that I'm jealous but that's totally jealousy right there. I'm so vulnerable to this shit now, like the smallest mention would make me uneasy and I don't like that, I don't think anyone does and I start doing things I normally wouldn't do, like it's painted on me or something. Feelings suck and the people who invoke those feels suck more, it's a shame that there aren't any ways around it, well, at least that I know of without seeming like a total wanker. Guess I'll go have a fap or something... HAHAHAHA oh, that was good, got to pat myself on the back for that one.

The Game Of Love - Santana & Michael Branch

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