Thursday 5 December 2013


- Kevin Le, when Jehovah's witnesses come to his door and asked if he heard of Jesus

Woke up earlier than usual so I could give Hoa a lift to work. Saw his car (or what was left of it) at the front of his house and I'm amazed he survived the crash, the windows and front bumper were shattered to pieces among other things and it was a really depressing sight to see a car I've spent a lot of time in in that state. Hoa took me around often, I didn't nag him to take me places, he just dragged me along to wherever he was going so there was no way I could turn him down. Took him to Goodna and then I went on an adventure. I don't know my way around Inala let alone anywhere else but I admit it was fun being lost but I'll also admit that that was one of the times I wished I had a smart phone instead of the weird flip-slidey thing I have at the moment.

Being awake at such an hour presented events I would not have participated in otherwise, such as answering the home phone to advertisers and companies or trolling Jehova's witnesses, that had to be the best part of my day by miles.

JW: Hello! My name is Inga and this is Mary (their names even sound Jehova's witnessy) and we'd like to spread the word of our savior.

Kevin: Who?

JW: Jesus Christ! could we read you a scripture from the bible "Revelations 21:4" ?

Kevin: Sure thing.

JW: He will something something tears, something something no more death something something

Kevin: I'm sorry, I don't speak any English. Have a nice day.

Oh god, I wish I could show you their faces when I told them I never heard of Jesus Christ, can you imagine though ? that's like finding someone who doesn't know that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's old man. I don't dislike Jehova's witnesses or any other religion for that matter but it's really hard to resist having fun when the moment appears at your front door on a silver platter like that but they did say they will come back so I'm not really looking forward facing them again.

Bummed at Leon's, drove Hoc's cousin Katie home and bummed with Kiet, a lot of driving happened today.

Demons (Dzeko & Torres Remix) - Imagine Dragons

Mad props to Myvy for this lovely cuppa.

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