Wednesday 11 December 2013


"Nice ass, I like it."
- Teresa Vu, talking to me of course, don't flatter yourself.

Today was cleaning day, there isn't really a set day of the week where Dante, mumsies and myself decide to clean, it's more like "bro! mumsies' coming, get your shit together! we're cleaning up the house!" and then we get to it and mumsies, being the OCD woman she is, joins us in our cleaning session all while listening to Vietnamese songs, like, tolerable ones, pretty catchy, too, mind you. Amazingly enough, it was all Dante's idea. I don't think we've had that much fun as a family in years :L

Went out to eat at Poppy's with Kiet, TD, Trampoline/Trumpet/Trumbum, Leon, KT and Hoa then went to gym with Kiet and that's where we bumped into Teresa and her boyfriend Kevin. I don't think I've touched up on this before but that nigga is fucking tall as fuck. he's like 3 and a half of me, obviously, that was an exaggeration but it's so rare to see Asians that tall unless I've been living a very, very sheltered life which would then be understandable but I'll let ya'll be the judge of that. I just go where I want to go and most of the time, that place is home, son.

Bro, I found this on some site but if you guys out there are bored and keen for a classy ass time, then open your favorite web browser and open thisthis and this at the same time and you better pull out a red fur coat, big ass leather chair, a smoking pipe and while you're at it, build a real fire place because fire places are dope as fuck.

Shine - Spektrem

Shine (Gabriel Drew & Bloom Remix) - Spektrem

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