Tuesday 10 December 2013

Last dance.

"Did you hear that, Trung? They said you look like me! I don't want them to think I'm as ugly as you! You're as ugly as your ugly dad!"
- Mumsies. She said it in Vietnamese so this is just a rough translation. Trung is my viet name, by the way.

Talk about harsh, I know I'm like, superfluous to insults but fucking christ..... She's definitely my mumsies alright. Cold, hard truth served on a cold, hard silver platter from the cold, hard freezer of "shit I want to say to my son but can't because that wouldn't be very motherly of me". 

Morning was spent doing the usual, wake up, had a fap, Zaraffa's and giving walkerbys suggestive looks as I place the cold cup of coffee to my nipples creating wet spots on my white shirt. I then got a call from mumsies asking me to be her bitch all day since her car is being used by Bobby. I don't think I've driven around so much in one day and to accompany mumsies for a day was pretty exhausting even though most if it was in the car. We went grocery shopping, got lost looking for Andy's graduation venue, picked up Andy then dropped him off at said venue, took mumsies to the butcher next to vu hai like, 4 times all throughout the day to pick up a simple order they fucked up, bought KFC for Alanna and David Bui Nguyen and worked at their shop until Andy needed to be picked up from his graduation. Holy shit, sweat patches started to form under my legs which was a first and that sucked.

But man, Andy graduated... He must've been like, the only one to rock up in school uniform, it was his choice but man did I feel bad when I dropped him off and I saw everyone else in million dollar suits and dresses. It's funny to know that Andy is "that guy" in his year level :L even though I didn't go to my year 7 graduation, I heard from Hannah that Andrew Pateman did what Andy did and to know that those two share something similar doesn't sit too well with me, that sounded racist, I think I'm racist, guys, wait, no, that can't be right, racism is a crime and crime is for black people. Andy's friends seemed really scared of me when I went to pick him up, wonder what's been said... Andy's probably talking shit again, bless his soul.

Last Dance - World Order

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