Monday 2 December 2013


"Ummm, Kevin ? yeah, your car got egged."
- Dante Le, there really are some testicles out there.

Yo, this is all kinds of fucked up, yo. Some boofhead thought it'd be awesome to throw eggs at Betty, can you believe that ? that's like .... I can't think of a funny analogy at the moment but if I did have one, this is where I'd put it and it'd be awesome. But I'm glad it was just a few eggs, things have been a little dangerous and people are a little bit on edge lately, especially when it comes to cars. Tai was the first, then it was Leon, then it was Hoa, all within the last month, shit, even Paul Walker kicked the bucket in a car accident (Rest In Peace, mate.) We're all extremely lucky that the casualties were kept to a minimum but it's still worrisome. 

Spent the morning dealing with Andy's high school enrollment interview and laughing at the new uniforms with the uniform ladies who shared the same opinion and chased a rat throughout the school at the request of some high school girls, disrupting pretty much every class in B and C block, brought back so many memories, particularly of the days I spent chasing that fucking turkey around campus but I digress.

Afternoon was spent cleaning that god awful smell of eggs off Betty, it was apparently at Kiet's house the night before that it was hit but silly me, didn't even notice but I do recall Kiet looking out the window towards the road while I was in his room so that must've been when it happened. Nigga, it stankkkkkk

Fences (LeMarquis Remix) - Phoenix

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