Friday 31 January 2014

Fool for life.

"You look like you're losing weight."
- Dante Le, givin' out dem ego boosts since that guy has (what seems like) an endless supply of the damn thing.

Today, I did fuck all, and I loved it. I loved every bit of it. The feeling of going back to sleep after a run and waking up at like, 3pm to complete silence and the freedom to get up and go where ever I please is so much more than I can ask for. So, I did what anyone else would do: get something to eat, had a wank and went back to sleep and my god, not even an invitation to Heaven would budge me from my spot, mainly because there would be a lot of religious people there telling me shit like "I fucking told you so" and I'm never in the mood for countless hours of that shit.

Actually, I lied, I did some other things but nothing worth mentioning, sometimes, I don't even know why I mention the things I mention in this blog. Picking out topics here and there while typing my thoughts as I recollect those topics is pretty much how I've went about winging it these last few months which isn't how I intended this blog would be. I don't remember what this blog was meant to be about but I'm starting to think that's fine. I HAVE EVOLVED INTO A GYARADOS AND SO SHOULD THIS BLOG.

Fool For Life (4AM Remix) - Dash Berlin & Chris Madin

Thursday 30 January 2014

Viva la vida

"Now what ?"
- Cindy Nguyen, after going to Westend only to find out the Sushi buffet was closed for the day.

Morning run to, around and from the lake with a jumper this time because fuck the sun in the facehole and then I took a nap and what a nap it was. There's nothing quite like laying in your recently redesigned room with faint noise playing in the background, the room was dark but breezy at 2pm and was practically begging me to take a nap in it so how could I resist? how could anyone resist an offer like that? 

Drove to Westend with the intentions of drowning myself in a so called "Sushi buffet" that was brought to my attention by Jeremy. It doesn't sound realistic, does it? a sushi buffet? sounds way too good to be true, you're basically putting two words everyone wants to hear but never thought of before because their afraid of being struck down by God for being a spoiled little faggot but sure enough, it was true, there is indeed a joint where you can eat all the sushi you want for $20. I had always thought sushi to be a delicacy and I suppose it is, maybe high school just heightened my standards of what sushi was like, what with their $2.50 for a mediocre roll of dry, unappealing... thing, goddamn Corinda.

You can imagine my disappointment, I reckon if you tried hard enough, you could feel it, smell it and even feel violated by it. One of the very few times I choose to leave the house, this shit happens. You'd think people would be used to it by now but when food is involved, you're always gonna have a bad time, no matter what the setback. Cindy suggested top hot pot, a place in Sunnybank next to the billiards joint and me, being in my shocked/depressed state, went along for the hell of it. I'm not a hotpot guy but it wasn't bad however, even if I were to suddenly gain the ability to see through female clothing, the depression and disappointment will never take it's leave. I'm the kinda guy who would expect a certain thing when that certain thing is intended or promised and be a real asshole when that thing doesn't happen, I thought that kinda behavior was normal, I thought everyone was like this but clearly not, probably why I like staying at home so much.

Viva La Vida - Coldplay

Wednesday 29 January 2014

I have a dream.

"Where are we?"
- Andy Le
"On an adventure, Andy. We're on an adventure."
- Kevin Le, we were clearly lost.

6am start, man. Jeremy is really determined. Ran around the whole lake today, it might not be much but I'll tell you, it's a fuck tonne better than what I could've done last year. I almost couldn't believe how composed and not tired I was after keeping a good pace for so long, I'm actually looking forward to these runs but not at the moment, it's 5am at the moment and I don't know if I'll be able to do it again in a few hours :S

Taught mumsies how to use the net, cleaned her house and sorted Andy's room and then I went to pick him up. Spent 10-20 minutes looking for Nina but we couldn't find her (sorry, Tai, I didn't know I was going to pick him up either) then I got lost on the way home, how you ask ? fucks me, I'm just that bad with directions. When I'm in traffic,I like to dub over conversations I can see but not hear, today, there was a white primary school girl with her bike and a black primary school boy talking near the park where I was stuck. Andy had the responsibility of dubbing over the white girl where I had the role of that black kid, it inevitably led to racist jokes and I laughed so hard, I stalled in front of them, karma is a tricky bastard but it was totally worth it.

Bought a tyre for Betty and booked in a service appointment, goddamn responsibilities, man. I'm so glad mumsies is so on top of things, I had thought I was independent since she left me to my own devices in year 11 but I'm starting to think I've always been dependent, it just wasn't as apparent but I also think that it's because she can't bare to let us go, she's too much of a mother to let go of her children like that. I don't think I'm going to be leaving under the care of mumsies anytime soon.

PS. Sorry for falling asleep when you went out to get your sharpie, bro. I don't know what happened there, either.

I Have A Dream - Common

Tuesday 28 January 2014

We will always be family.

"Where are you goin'?"
- Kevin Le
"To work."
- Tai's old man, it was like 3pm, too :L what a stupid thing to laugh really hard over. Think I'm gonna start calling Tai's dad "Bunta"

Today was eventful, man. Almost died in several occasions, first of laughter of Andy's uniform, second, racing Bunta down Blunder road in rush hour since we were both at the red light and third, of laughter at everyone else's uniform, that wasn't even half of what happened and that alone made my month, easily.

Jeremy came knocking at my door at 8am, looking for someone to walk to, around and back from the lake and unbeknownst to me and him, he found one. He said something about doing this for an entire week so I can expect to see his face first thing in the morning for a while and even though I complain and say shit like "you're fucking crazy, you know that?" I'm kinda glad I was woken up let alone encouraged to do something active like traverse 8-10km first thing in the morning. There are a lot of dedicated people out there, man. Ran, got sunburnt (again), got home, cried myself to sleep, woke up, picked up Andy and bumped into Bunta on the way, kidnapped Tai's little sister, tried to kidnap Kiet's and Hannah's little siblings but that didn't work out too well, didn't realize how fucking creepy I must've sounded to them until I got home, spent the afternoon working at Skylark and helped moved Andy's shit out of my house, it was kinda depressing but hey, he had to leave some time. TONIGHT, I SLEEP ALONE!

I feel bad for people who are just having one of those days, it seems to happen in Skylark a lot. Today alone, there were customers who just give you attitude for no reason, well, there must've been a reason but none good enough that they would take it out on you, nigga, you just doin' yo job. I can relate though, and I guess it's just human nature to just cop the undeserved shit they throw at you in hopes that it lightens the load a little. I was skating up and down the Skylark, playing the old arcade machines they had there and talking to people I have not seen in ages, my day was about as good as it was going to get so copping a few racial slurs here and there isn't anything to get worked up over, in fact it made me feel good to know that they had the need to bring you down because you look like you're above them but at the same time, it sucked to know you're being brought down. I don't know, bogans are weird.

We Will Always Be [Family] - NAK & Elyon Beats

Monday 27 January 2014

Midnight life.

"Have I gone mad?"
- The Mad Hatter
"I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, but I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.
- Alice Pleasance, huh, who knew she had a last name?

Got tired of my room set up again so I changed it.... again. probably wasn't as space efficient as the last one but hey, I'm down for a change. I like the feeling of walking into a room where the atmosphere is different, that feeling of making change from your own power and then living in it. I don't know, makes me giddy. It's like I've lost that feeling of looking forward to being home and changing the way things look is my way of re-lighting that urge.

Dante and Isabel came over and that somehow led me in helping Dante clean his room and once you start cleaning, you might as well keep going. This led me to my room where I spent the remainder of my afternoon cleaning and rearranging things here and there. Can't wait to buy stuff for my room, it's gonna be madddd.

Nail punctured Betty's wheel so that sucked, what did I do to deserve that I wonder. These unnecessary setbacks are really something else, guess it's time to break open the fap jar.....

Midnight Life (Mashup) - The White Panda

Sunday 26 January 2014

One in a million.

"Why are you even friends with him?"
- Jasmine Tran
"I... I don't know, he asked for my rubber in year 5 and now we're brothers."
- Kevin Le

Seeing Jasmine Tran for a split second today reminded me of that conversation we had during Biology camp, we were watching Alex Dang jump in puddles in his thongs after visiting the Brown Lake. I remember it was pouring and everyone pretty much gave up on saving their paper work from the rain but watching Alex so happy when he's surrounded by depressed, serious students really made my day. If I were to ask Jasmine if she remembers that day, she probably wouldn't, to be honest, I don't know why I remember it, it was probably because that was the first conversation I ever had with her and you tend to be reminded of those things whenever you see a person you know; where you met them, your first conversation, your first impression and your current one, well, I tend to.

My day had just started, it was like, 5pm. My sleeping patterns have pretty much went to shit. I figured I'll hit the gym, tire myself out and that would help with fixing my sleeping pattern but the neighbor had other things in mind. The moment I got ready to yell at heavy, inanimate objects, I was asked to skate near the lake and so I did what I always do in those situations, I asked Andy and he was keen as beans, probably not what he had in mind though :L My legs were sore from yesterday so I didn't skate as much as I wanted to but I bummed it with a mate when everyone else was on an adventure. Was a dope cruise, even though it wasn't much of a cruise. I also got to see a side of the lake I had never seen before, a real quiet, majestic side. It was like a glorified oasis that could ease your being with a glance, you could spend hours wondering why no one is there or if the place had ever been discovered. I think I might have a little drive there one night.

The boys gathered at Hoc's for Australia day and even though I went on Andy's command, I didn't stay. It's difficult for me to be comfortable in a place like that, even with all the people there. There's something about a shit load of people that turns me off now, ever since I wanted to avoid big groups, being in big groups makes me pay attention to the bad things rather than the good so I went home, didn't feel that great about it either, in fact, I felt like a total asshole and I probably was but I'd much rather be a comfortable asshole than an uncomfortable one. 

I have a hunch that they don't read this thing but if they somehow stumble upon it; I just wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving prematurely, I'm sorry for not celebrating Australia day with you guys, I'm sorry looking out for myself and I'm especially sorry for not being there with you even though I was given the chance to on your birthday, Flynn. Happy Birthday, mate, since you somehow always seem to remember mine. Guess I can just tell them the next time I'm around them.

One In A Million - Ne-Yo

Saturday 25 January 2014

Never told.

"Bro, if you had a daughter, what would you name her?"
- Kevin Le
"Doomtrain, you?"
- Alex Dang
"Ching Chong"
- Kevin Le
"hahaha, classic."
- Alex Dang, oh man, bus rides home from high school were the shit, bro. 

I don't remember doing much other than singing and freestyling with Andy today, we are by no means, good at that shit, it's just hilarious to see what we come up with, it's also a really, really easy way to make him laugh :L It won't be for much longer though, he's gonna start high school soon and I'll be along again. It sounds like I'm searching for sympathy when I read that previous sentence but really, there isn't much to be sad about, things were like that for years before Andy started his holidays, it'd just be weird to suddenly lose something that really didn't seem like it would change. It'll fun to watch Andy go through high school so I'm kinda anxious about his absence. Everyone else I know tells me their little siblings always go through a "Teenage agnst" phase where their personality would do a 180 degree flip and that'd last for years, I really can't see Andy doing that though :L

Went gym with Jeremy and Dante and sweat a whole lot more than I usually would. I guess having a goal literally right in front of you is just that inspiring, he couldn't believe his ears when I told him I had lost 10kg since Christmas, to be honest, I couldn't believe my ears either, half way there, IMMA DO IT. 

I applied for a few positions that will hopefully get mumsies and Bobby's approval and skated inside the house naked, all in all, a really good day.

Never Told - J.Cole

Friday 24 January 2014

The world as I see it.

"Denne ? Hah! Denne's got nothing on me! I'm the real LG slayer!"
- Dante Le, with immense pride, mind you.

Was bummin', chillin' and for a moment or two, skatin' up and down Poinciana Street until I got a pretty little message from Kiet Nguyen, asking me to pick him up for Chinese New Years, I wasn't even going to go, why would you go if you couldn't eat anything ? but the opportunity was there so I did what I always do in that situation, I asked Andy. He said "ummm, why not?" and I honestly could not think of a reason not to. One thing led to another and I somehow ended up with Kiet, Andy and Teddy inside Betty on our way to Rocklea. Despite not being able to eat, it wasn't all that bad, hahah, going to a festival and not eating is as redundant as being at home and having clothes on but it's not bad once in awhile. Bumped into people I've not seen in years and I was filled with joy. When we all used to gather every morning in high school, there was a certain freedom about it. I used to love the fact that if I wanted to see a group of people, it didn't take more than a 5 minute walk to bum at the place they bum at but because that hasn't happened in years, it made seeing a good chunk of them all at one place that much better, that didn't last long though, nothing does. Had a stupid ass grin on my face all night :L

Leon had no ride home so I offered him a lift, little did I know that he wanted to go home ASAP so that and Andy tore me away from the bumper cars which sucked enormous epididymides but hey, saved $8. Before dropping everyone off to their respective homes, we stopped by Zaraffa's where I spent the aforementioned $8 on Andy's caramel fusion whilst listening to Leon, Kiet and Teddy talk about stuffz and thingz until the place closed up. Can't say much else happened. 

The World As I See It - Jason Mraz

Thursday 23 January 2014

Can we.

"Fuck you."
- Andy Le.

Doooood, it was raining like, alllll dayyyyyy. It was sooooooooo niceeeeeeeeeeeeee. I literally sat here next to Andy and did nothing and when I do nothing, my mind tends to wander, it's usually really vague but I was thinking about suicide, not committing it, of course, just suicide in general, then I thought that it was pointless to think about why people suicide and spent my time coming up ways to prevent it. I got to a solution like, 5 minutes later but I don't know if people would actually give it a shot but what if you went out and bought a foot-long, extra wide black dildo or a one direction poster and store it somewhere in your room ? you can't willingly kill yourself when you know there's a chance that someone will find it after you die, you could just buy more things of that nature whenever the urge kicks in, I don't know, maybe I'm taking the subject too lightly.

Whilst I was in the midst of conjuring up suicide counter-measures, Hong dropped by and saved me from my somewhat morbid thought process which then led to a moment of extreme relaxation. It's so easy to lose track of time when you're with someone else, even if what you're doing is fuck all, it's also kinda comforting to see that there's another person doing their own little thing, I don't know, maybe it was just her, I can't be sure. There's a story here, one that I'm not quite proud of, mind you and I think that had something to do with it. It's a miracle things ended up the way they did. She left for home when the storm peaked and that was that. Also showered in the rain, shit was so cash, man.

Bumped into Lam and Cindy at the gym as well, I swear Lam is cycling through all the girls and bringing them there :L I just hope she hangs on tighter than the rest did because Lam is one crazy bastard. More power to you, though.

Can We - Michael Carreon

Wednesday 22 January 2014

I wonder.

"How do you get breast cancer ?"
- Jeremy Thanh Phan, out of fucking no where.

I really, really don't think I can say anything else other than that I did today, in this nipple-drooping heat, was play Final Fantasy 12 on the Playstation 2 emulator. There were other little things that happened, I guess. Things like boarding up, down and around the streets surrounding Poinciana with my niggas Andy Le and Tai Pham. Around that time, the wind was picking up, like, really picking up and to me, there are very little things more liberating than wind, bro. That was dope, even though we were covered in sweat.

Drove Jeremy's car who had popped over after gym. I've been unmotivated as of late, this heat is so morale shattering that I can't bring myself to prepare for a zombie apocalypse, just goes to show how homosexual this heat is. We cruised to Sunnybank to pick up a few things Jeremy had scouted on gumtree for free. I swear that dude is third only to Jesse and Kiet in stinginess and despite that rank, that's still pretty stingy. Now if you'll excuse me, Ivalice needs saving from Vayne and Gabranth.

I Wonder - Gowe (Gifted on West East) & Erin Kim

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Love psycle.

"Pop it!"
- Jebbie Nguyen, sound advice for a pimple located near the buttocks. I seem to be having a lot of those lately.

Kiet got me to tag along with him to Logan hospital, something about his tooth, I wasn't really listening but shit, it beat staying home in the heat, poor Andy :L Hospital business finished earlier than expected so we took advantage of our location and bummed at Ikea and then ate pho on the way home. I often find myself on little dates and rarely in a group outing and although it might be a sub-conscious decision, I'd much rather be with one or two people than a group, maybe I'm an attention seeker... nahh, I don't think so but surely, I can't be the only who feels that way.

Kiet also invited me to ice skating, which is weird because Jeremy also asked me to go ice skating. There're must've been something in the air because three or four different circle of friends ended up at the exact same place at the exact same time. There was Leon's group, Jeremy's group, Cindy's group and Jebbie's group all doing their own thing, shit, even Phillip Lam was there and no one had any idea anyone else was coming. My plan was to go for about an hour then head home but the exact opposite happened, I somehow managed to skate for free, bummed at Sakuraya and then bummed at Coffee Square and didn't come home til 12am.

There's a weird thing that boys do and we don't do it on purpose, well, at least I don't. Most of the time I was at Sakuraya and Coffee Square, I was wondering how the fuck I ended up where I was. It wasn't peer pressure or anything like that but rather the faint sense of chivalry guys possess. I remember posting something similar about Elita and her drift car event, something like being a part of a posse even though you weren't, well, it was exactly the same but only this time, it was Cindy. I guess her demeanor pulls something out from dudes that just make us flock to her but what really struck me was that I was the only one who questioned it and no one seemed to be aware of what they were doing. Strange, huh ?.

Love Psycle - Dumbfoundead & DJ Zo

Monday 20 January 2014

Don't look now.

- Kevin Le, as he woke up drenched in so much of his own sweat, he thought it'd be a good idea to wait for it to drown him, holy balls.

Day was spent bumming and looking for jobs; I found so many jobs, man, like, soooo many jobs but mumsies and Bobby ain't happy with em'. I don't even know why I need their approval but I know it's important. It's either too far or too risky and they insist that I find a job around the area but that is so much easier said than done, in all honesty, who wants to work in Inala ? Things are so morally corrupt here that every time a shady asian dude smiles, an angel gets gonorrhea. I like to think you can't get more ignorant that Inala when it comes to society but I know I'm wrong, it's the same everywhere but I always get excited when I leave my comfort zone, the chance of finding something you'll never imagine at home is always exciting but the opposite is also true, that risk isn't always worth it but that depends on the time, for me, anyway.


Don't Look Now - Far East Movement & Keri Hilson

Sunday 19 January 2014

Take shape.

"I'm going to call you "The Little Beast" from now on!"
- Amanuel, some dude at the gym.

REMEMBER HOW I WAS LIKE "man, I wish I had a nickname." WELL, I FINALLY GOT A NICKNAME! YEEEEEE ICH BIN DA BESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, IT SOUNDS SO DOPE, TOO. I HOPE THIS STICKS, MAN. I AM THE LITTLE BEAST! Who would've thought that all it took to get a nickname was to do a set of 560kg leg press? wish some knob would've told me that earlier. POWER!

Tai popped by just to say "Good Evening" and then he fucked off somewhere, then he dropped by again to tell me how dope the hill from my place to Lam's place is and I figured I might as well join him for a lap around good ol' Poinciana Street and I'm glad I did, even Andy joined me. Hope I get this skating thing down soon, would be useful in a zombie apocalypse. I should take up freerunning, too one of these days.

Take Shape - The Dean's List (now known as "The King's Dead")

Saturday 18 January 2014

Work out.

"Can we go outside for a bit?"
- Andy Le. Wot.

Is it me, or is it getting hotter these days ? I had thought the worst of it was over but today's complaints went through the roof even though it was just Andy and I.

I can only eat in between 12pm and 3pm so waking up early is pretty much torture for me, I force myself to sleep in til 12 so that I can eat the moment I woke up, the only drawback to this is that I can't eat for the entire day afterwards but because of this strange eating schedule, I'm 79kg which is absolutely mind-blowing, I never thought losing weight was this easy, gonna stop at 72 though and I'll see where I go from there. It's hard to believe I was 87kg less than a month ago. I'm gonna make it, we're all going to make it.

I think Tai's invitation yesterday triggered some sort of interest in Andy, he's been going outside for scooter rides to the point where he'd sweat and I don't think I've ever seen him sweat before. I take this opportunity to go out and practice penny boarding and I can tell it's becoming easier by the minute, it won't be too long now til I can cruise where I please with little effort. If this somehow leads to Andy living an active lifestyle, I swear, I'll blow Tai and won't even think twice about it, even without his consent.

Work Out - J.Cole

Friday 17 January 2014

Cupid's revenge.

"If  I've learned anything from video games, it is that when you meet enemies, it means that you're going in the right direction."
- walkingmyhellhound, some dude on Tumblr

Jog, coffee, music nap, speaking of music, check this shit out! easily took up most of my day :L song is too damn catchy.

I always take Andy out to wherever it is I find myself, I remember when I was grade 7, I had thought I was as mature as I'd get and in a way, I was right. I wanted to know what was happening to my family at the time but I was always given the "you'll understand when you're older" thing and now that I kinda understand, I wished I never had those childish desires to grow up. I suppose that's where my obsession with ignorance originated from, it's really odd to think back on. Dante never took me out and I remember being sad from the lack of communication between us even though we're brothers and just in case Andy felt the same, wherever I am, chances are, he'll be there, too, unless, like, he doesn't want to which is the case half the time. That guy really knows how to live.

Tai came by and asked if Andy and I wanted to tag along to the lake to work on our sick boarding skillz, I even scored a penny board that matches my shoes along the way, it was almost like fate, even though what I really did was steal from a rich family. Remembered that Elvis lives pretty close to where we were and so I invited his littler sister to come bum with Tai, Andy and myself and after a good hour or two of that, we headed home, pretty dope day, can't remember the last time I cruised around the lake like that. Chill day with chill people, wouldn't have it any other way.

Cupid Revenge - Audible

Thursday 16 January 2014

Rhythm of love.

"holy shit."
- Kevin Le, whilst watching Boku No Pico

My little brother showed me the YouTube clip above, he hasn't seen Boku No Pico himself and nor should he, it was a smart move on his part. Of course, after watching a video that advises me not to do something, my instant reaction is to go do the thing I was told not to do and this might be the first time I regret doing the thing the video begged me not to do. I don't know if you can call it a regret but goddamn, there's something like there, it wasn't so much as "I regret doing that" it's more like "I probably should not have done that" without the guilt because that's what a regret is, essentially. So yeah, my day was spent thinking about what I just watched and to be honest, I don't know what to think of it. I'm not disgusted, I'm not scarred in anyway, it's just, wow.

I didn't know what to expect because all I had to go on was the video and I highly advise you do a little research before you take any leaps and even though that's a very, very common piece of advice, I've never done that, ever. Now to give you an insight of what I got myself into in case the video above raised your curiosity, it's about a dude that looks like a chick, he's also like, 7 years old, named "Pico" and he likes dick. Even though this anime was only 3 episodes long, there're well over the necessary amount of scenes needed to have your jaw punch a hole through the ground and destroy a family somewhere in England. 

5 minutes in and already, you're faced with a dude being intimate with the main character as he shoves a small block of ice up his butthole, you did not read that wrong, out all all the things you could do to your lover, this dude figured "you know what would be so hot right now ? if I just placed block of ice, into your sphincter) and that is only the first 5 minutes, you can only imagine (you probably couldn't) what the rest is like and yes, I did watch the whole thing. Wow.

Rhythm Of Love (Cover) - Clara Chung & Joseph Vincent

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Spirit bomb.

3 seasons later...

"Give me $20"
- Jeremy Thanh Phan

David Le came back from Vietnam not too long ago and the first thing he does on his holiday is work on his car. He's a mechanic and even though he's away from work, he's never really away from work :L My day was spent at his house fixing up his car, we'd spent a solid hour or two removing parts and removing rust. I've always had a slight interest in cars and having David around is big help just in case I have any questions, nothing beats practical experiences when it comes to things like this.

We talked, took frequent breaks and talked about whatever came to our heads which were all so insignificant that even if I asked them what we were talking about, no one would remember. Day was chill, man, as uneventful as it was.

Spirit Bomb - NAK

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Reasonably safe.

"Bro, this shit is so cash."
- Kevin Le

Andy introduced me to this Playstation 2 emulator on his computer so we spent the entire day thinking of games to download and play and man, we were coming up with titles one after another. I gave that dude a list and he got to downloadin'. The rest of the day was just us two, in my room, playing some old school games, games I played when I was half way through primary and man, there weren't many things I could think of that I'd rather be doing. It was a total time waster though, even made me skip gym but I just cover it up with excuses like "I needed a rest anyway" and Andy would be like "yeah, now keep playing" He's the Devil.

I wish I could write more, I really wish I could but all Andy and I did was eat, napped and played Playstation 2 games until we weren't able to keep our eyes open which might seem like a pointless day to you and it was but not all days were meant to have points, I find, anyway.

Reasonably Safe (Mash up) - The White Panda

Monday 13 January 2014


"I want to watch them fail."
- Andy Le, when I asked him if he wanted to see David Le and Jeremy do the pizza challenge. sadistic little bugger, ain't he ?

You know what would be funny ? If I made a Facebook account named "Raging Erection" and just poke people on it. That would probably entertain me for hours, days even. I don't have the patience to actually do it but man, if I ever get that bored, then everyone is in for a treat.

Took Andy to West End where we watched David and Jeremy fail their first eating challenge, it's harder than it looks and plus, the owner is an asshole who like to just cheese-rape all the pizzas that are being challenged, such is life, I suppose.

The pizza place was right next to Justin Chiu's gelato shop so I paid the dude a visit. He's still as cheery as I remember :L I got acquainted with his little sister (or cousin, I didn't ask) who really lit up the place with her extraordinary presence. Talk to Melarus for a brief moment who then left for the gym which left me in the company of his father and his brother Carlos. There wasn't much to do since everyone was talking about cars while the Chiu siblings were hard at work so I kinda just sat there, bummed and made small talk with Andy who was, at the time, bored out of his mind, all he could talk about and think of was what game he was going to play the moment he got home.

Watched "Ponyo" when I got home and I'm starting to see a common ground with most of the Ghibli movies. How much acid did Hayao Miyazaki take to even imagine such concepts for his movies ? That dude has it figured out, man. Every time I get the chance to see one of his works, I'm always dumbstruck at the mere abstractness and don't really pay attention to the plot until the second viewing. Shiet, nigga, what ever it is he is taking, I want some.

"PONYO, PONYO LOVES SOUSUKE" ahh, gets me everytime.

Happy - Pharrell Williams

dat Tyler doe.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Take me home.

"You got the potential."
- Dante Le, after I jokingly said that I'll one day have a bigger chest than him, like no joke, that guy should invest in a bra or something because he be packing a rack.

Spent a majority of the day with my brothers, not at the same time of course, little one-on-ones here and there, I don't think we could keep a conversation going if we were all in the same room for a prolonged period of time :L I like to think I'm the link between the two, don't know why, guess it's just to make me feel special even though I know I already am. 

Dude, I snuck Dante into the gym today and it was my first session with him in about 8 months. I figured "Oh sweet, it's chest day, time to show this nigga what I can do!" but that didn't last long, it didn't last long at all, it lasted about 30 seconds before I started thinking "Yeah, nope, fuck that. Fuck that and everything related to that." He easily pumped out multiple sets of 100kg+ flat bench press while I'm over here pushing out 70, 80 at best. He shouldn't be that strong for his size, it was a sight to behold, man. A 65kg 25 year old child who can bench twice his weight. Truly an inspiration. We're all gonna make it, guys. We're all gonna make it. If Dante can do it, we can do it (I think...)

Kiet hit me up and we started chilling, we talked heaps but communicated little, there's a fine line between the two and I'm starting to think I'm starting to lose it when it comes to the people I know, I'm not complaining or anything, it's just something I've noticed. If it was meant to happen, it'll happen. Just do you and the world will react accordingly.

Take Me Home - Cash Cash & Bebe Rexha

Saturday 11 January 2014

Shining in the sky.

"I got a thing for knee-high socks!"
- Kevin Le
- Dante Le, who heard me while chucking a shit.

So many quotes I could take today but my favorite one would probably be: 

"Fuck you, Kevin."
- Hong Nguyen, who got her ass handed to her in Mario Kart by your's truly.

These days have been a lot more forgiving, you know, in terms of absolute, pure, condensed bull-fuck in all it's glory that you people may know as "Summer" I don't think I'll ever get to appreciate the coolness all the time, I'm bound to forget and take that shit for granted, I'd even go as far as to say that it's impossible to keep things like that in mind 24/7 but if it is possible, I sure would like to have a go at it, my mind is always occupied with food, boobs and food as well as other disgusting things that make me a male.

Hong Kong, Brother King Kong and Lynn (This chick needs a nickname) were outside cruising up and down my street on their skateboards like the cool kids they are, Andy and I decided to join them. Even though I've had a skateboard for years, this was actually the only time I took it out for a spin, I honestly don't know how my board got in the state it's in but I"m starting to wish I took better care of it, cruising here and there on a skateboard doesn't sound too bad at the moment, wish I took something like this up years ago.
Learnt to stand on a moving plank of wood (kinda), played some Mario Kart with the aforementioned trio and off they went. Was a dope morning, at least, I thought so.

Evening was spent with Jeremy and Melaras at my house and at the nearby gym. Melaras has lost a lot of weight, 20kgs since high school and after what he did today, I'm not surprised, his dedication towards cardio and weight loss is so intense that I don't can't even hold a candle against him on the treadmill. Illegal immigrants be cray-zee as fuck, hahahahah I guess they need to be :L

Sora Ni Hikaru (Shining In The Sky) - Megome Togoshi

Friday 10 January 2014

All night.

"Oh yeah, man! I love KFC!"
- James, some dude Jeremy brought over to play games. It's funny because he's black. Wish I caught his last name though.

Got a visit from Tai's old man this morning, asked me to fix a laptop of some sort. I wonder why he came to me though :L out of all the people he knows in the world, he got a dude who he's seen twice, maybe three times to fix a laptop. Took it out, confirmed it was indeed a laptop and put it in a corner where I could ignore it until he picks it up, even when I'm not in school, I'm procrastinating but it wasn't a tough job, just needed to install a few things and it should be good.

Got another visit from a P.Y.T asking if I've seen her missing cat. It's always heart-breaking to see a person like that in distress, I'd be too if I had lost family like that, she gave me a flyer of her cat and her details in case I saw it. Fast forward about 6 hours later, I fucking found it. I heard a bell and cat hissing at 1am outside my room and spent the next 3 hours chasing a cat around Inala. Cats are fucking fast, man. I had wanted to catch him and give good news to the girl that came by earlier but it jumped into someone else's garden where I lost the bugger. I don't know what was fueling me, maybe it was my stubbornness to get what I want, or maybe I was just thinking with my penis and hoping to get on the good side of the missus that was looking for the cat to start with but I guess I'll never know now. Hope it comes back home, man.

I AM 81kgs! REMEMBER HOW I WAS LIKE "I AM THE FUTURE'S FUTURE!" ? I LIED, I AM ACTUALLY THE FUTURE OF THAT FUTURE. GUYS, I THINK I'M GOD. Wait, no, that can't be right, I'm pretty sure God would be able to catch a goddamn cat.

All Night - Icona Pop

All Night (Cash Cash Remix) - Icona Pop

Thursday 9 January 2014

Adagio for strings.

"I'm your biggest fan."
- MyVy Ngo, when asked for a quote, I don't even know what means.

Andy kinda slapped my face to wake me up and was all like "Get me krispy kremes" it's a real surprise when it comes to Andy, at that point, I wasn't even mad, I was just so impressed with his spontaneity that I agreed to get him some but in the afternoon, since I didn't feel like moving in the morning, it's all about communication and compromising with people like us, without the two, there'd be a lot of blood, in our case anyway.

I remember back in year 11 and 12, Alex and I would play this game where we'd both be on MSN and have a race to see who can send a voice clip of us screaming at a random person who had just logged on first, the person with the most outstanding reaction wins and when I saw MyVy sign in on Skype, my high school instincts popped in and I clicked on video call, I canceled right after but can you imagine ? I'm starting to wish I did scream nonsense at her, that would've been funny as balls :L A little chat came from that mistake though, it's always dope to catch up with her, it's always dope to talk to anyone who can take a joke or two.

A tub of sorbet came by my place to bum, it even brought Hong along so that was nice. Hong said something about buying me sorbet since I've never had it before not too long ago but I never thought she'd actually do it :L We chilled and talked about the ups and downs of our day while Andy was collecting dust in the corner, I even dragged Hong along to 7/11 to get the fatso krispy kremes. There was a lot I felt I could've done, I don't know why I didn't but it felt right at the time not to, guess being ignorant isn't as convenient as I made it out to be, it's better not to say anything when you know nothing, for me anyway. Also had like a 10 minute argument on how to pronounce "Tiesto". Today I learnt.


Adagio For Strings - Tiesto

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Ice box.

"Bro, you wanna sharpen your sword?"
- Jeremy Thanh, an extremely stupid suggestion.

Tai dropped by for a wee bit with his long board and that reminded me that I had a skateboard somewhere in the house and so we watched each other suck absolute shit at standing on a piece of wood with wheels. Sounds really, really bad when I put it like that. Tai left with the words "If you wanna come chill, man, drop by anytime" which was a nice gesture but whenever I do, the cunt isn't there, I didn't say anything in case he would give up valuable time just so he could be at home which is a retarded thing to do but hey, boys are like that.

Jeremy dropped by with his katana-care kit and suggested we clean and sharpen a 2 meter long sword, a suggestion so dumb that even Dante told us not to do it, let that sink in a little, the king of stupidity advised me not to do something because it was too stupid and so, after seconds of consideration, we decided to go through with it that is, until we discovered the blade was too thick to be sharpened through a edge sharpener and that doing so would cause inconsistencies along the blade. It was a good way to spend the day though, Jeremy can't stand doing nothing, well, that's what he likes to say but I'm pretty sure there's another motive behind his actions, it's so obvious but I don't question him just in case he wants to keep it a secret, what a weird dude :L 

I was 86.5kg before I started cardio and fasting which was about a week ago and now I'm 82.5kg. I AM THE FUTURE!

Ice Box - Omarion

Tuesday 7 January 2014

When I'm gone.

"You look heaps better than when you started last year, bro!"
- Some Samoan dude at Anytime, sounded sarcastic as fuck but shit, I'll take his word for it.

All this cardio and fasting is paying off, like really paying off. I've had 6 people come up to me on different occasions telling me I've "slimmed down" or some shit like that. Guess it'd be impossible for me to tell, I see my body everyday so noticing changes would be pretty difficult without some sort of record log.

Spent the day watching a dude on Youtube unbox yu-gi-oh cards, I don't know, it makes me happy to see others in their little world, doing their thing and getting really, really excited over something that most wouldn't even care about, makes me glad there are people like that in the world and also makes me hope I'll get to meet some.

Can't say I did much today other than watch season 1 and 2 of Sketch show, good laughs and memories of old prime time TV resurfaced. I get really sad when I bring up something old and Andy has no idea what I'm on about, he missed out on a lot of good shit, man so I introduced him to old shows and flashy music videos which didn't really work since it's something you have to grow into.

When I'm Gone - Eminem

Monday 6 January 2014

The scatman.

"Hi, Kevin!"
- Yen Vo, in the most enthusiastic voice/tone I've ever heard.

Nigga, I got tan as fuck. I'm so black, it would put Gary Chung to shame, that might've been an exaggeration but man, I don't think I've been darker. It was also the first time I've ever been sunburnt and goddamn, it swallows gargantuan knob-knockers (I don't even know what that means.) I see why white people complain about that shit now.

I bumped into Yen on the way to Betty and asked her if she needed a lift to where ever it was she was going and even when she rejects your offer, she's really, really cheery about it :L in hindsight, I think she had the right idea, I'd reject me, too :L I'm creepy as, bro. 

The day was spent at a factory called "Soul Fresh" packing and unpacking boxes full of products that come in by the cargo-load. General labour at a legit company is a lot harder than people make it out to be, when they tell you to work, bro, you fucking work til you break. I was confident in my capabilities but that all went to shit the moment they gave me a job. Apparently, two people can do what I did in two hours which took me seven, one of which, was a female, goddamn. I was so happy to come back home, my shoes and socks were drenched in rain water for several hours, feet ached and my body felt weak and to them, it was just another day at the office, which happened to be placed outside in the unpredictable whether. Society cray.

I met a dude by the name of "Brodie" there, too. Said he recognized my name from Corinda High, might've got the wrong bloke though, there were like, four different "Kevin Le"s when I was in year 12 :L Brodie was a nice guy, man, really, really optimistic and hard working. He never complained and it seemed like he didn't have a care in the world but once that thunder storm hit, his personality turned 180 degrees. Can't say I blame him though, the lightning and thunder weren't more than a few hundred yards away from where we were, the rain drenched everything within seconds but I never knew such a drastic change was even possible :L he would flinch and whimper when he saw lightning and twitch and jump when he heard thunder. He'd also complain and grunt every time we had to do something, made we really want to punch him in the throat. Makes me wonder about everyone else though, given the correct circumstances, who else would do a complete personality flip had something happened. People are weird, but it's mostly white people, I find.

The Scatman - Scatman John

Sunday 5 January 2014

Dear tv.

"Dude, where's Kadoya?"
- everyone in the world, alive and dead.

Woke up, ran, looked up, thought "fuck that.", ran back, thought "I tried", didn't even leave my street, had a nap, TO THE MARKETS!, didn't buy anything, didn't eat anything, got ready to skate some ice.

Hong invited me to go ice skating with her, Lynn and Lam the day before, which was perfect, the heat was leaving everyone feeling, looking and smelling like an ass that just finished chucking a shit on an uncomfortable toilet in the middle of a hurricane. Managed to drag along Leon, Hoa, Andy and Jeremy, solid effort if I do say so myself, given the fact that I had about an hour to ask people, there were others but they were much too busy to be fiddling about with us, shame that, I'm sure they would've loved it as much as we did, well, I did. But man, to get Andy to willingly leave the house and stand up for hours on end is impressive, I think Hong is like, superjesus or something.

Went to Sunnybank after to get a bite to eat and was deeply saddened by the Kadoya that wasn't there. I never thought that place would go, didn't seem like business was bad either, no place with fart-guidance chairs should shut down. Ate curry regardless, even though people say it hasn't changed, it's not the same for me anymore. R.I.P, Kadoya, you will be missed.

Everyone is not as friendly as you think they are, when they show this side to you, it shouldn't really surprise you, everyone has their limits but man, people are so good at hiding those limits that it's almost scary.

Dear T.V - Tablo

Saturday 4 January 2014

Fuck it.

"You're incomparable, like a......"
- Bo Burnham, in his book of poems titled "Egghead"

I do weird shit, bro. I never thought about it til now but I liked to do things on impulse, like today, over the last few months, I've developed a neat habit of walking my guests to their means of transportation, whether that be by car or bus and today, when a mate of mine hopped in his car, I wondered what it was like to have my foot ran over by his tyre as he drove away. Fucking strange, right ? Just at the last moment, I pulled my foot away thinking "what the fucking fuck is wrong with you, a fucking 3 year old could tell you that shit would hurt you dumb piece of ass fluid." and so I walked back into my room and started lecturing myself. This isn't the first time, too. I often wonder what it'd be like to hang off a cliff by your hands and pull yourself up again whenever I'm around one and I'm starting to think that you know, that's not such a good idea but at the same time, I should be grateful to be able to literally do whatever the fuck I want, everyone should. People are strange.

Bummed with Andy all day pretty much. Also scored a lamp for my room and a 2 meter long katana, I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating that but when I say it's like, 2 meters, I shit you not, it's taller than me by like a foot, it's really pointless to have but I'll be dammed if it doesn't turn any heads.

Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back) - Eamon

Friday 3 January 2014

Apple and cinnamon.

"It's so hot.... wait, I'm hot. HAHAHAHAHA"
- Andy Le, delusional from the heat.

Yeah, nah, it's too hot for this shit. You know you've changed when you look and feel the heat and think "man, it's hot... wonder how many loads of washing I can get done today?" without a second thought. Took a real turn in who I thought I was, not that I mind, though, just didn't think I'd become this responsible, actually, it might be the heat, yeah, it's the heat. I think everyone is blaming the heat for everything these days, especially Dante :L 

Jeremy invited Andy and I to come over since he's experienced first-hand what it is like in my room without air-con. Good bloke he is, after all the years I've known this dude, today was the first time being in his house and meeting his parents and I must say; that nigga has one big ass house, my standards might not be high but goddamn. Andy and I instantly fell to the ground the moment we walked into his room, small, cozy and chill as fuck, really inspired me and gave me ideas to what I would do next to my room.

Left Andy to Jeremy's since I had to go eat because my window opened and then went to Poppy's with Kiet, Flynn, Leon, Hoa, Teddy, Trumpet, KT, Oscar Denne and Squishy to have a little get together for KT's birthday. A majority went to celebrate KT's birthday further while the rest of us bummed around Inala looking for something to do. Drove Hoa's car around then went home to see Andy and Thanh passed in my room. Was a dope day, hot but dope.

Apple and Cinnamon - Utada Hikaru

Thursday 2 January 2014

Freaks and geeks.

"Fuck the old Donald Glover, yeah I'm glad he's deceased,
'Cause that sad, weak being's been replaced with a beast!"
- Donald Glover/Childish Gambino, in his classic song "Untouchable"

Holy shit, please tell me I'm not the only one who is practically naked 24/7 these days. This heat is unbearable, dude. Sweat is trickling down every inch of my body and yes, even my balls, don't hide it, you were so thinking it.

Woke up early morning for a run, it's so much cooler in the early morning than you think, aye. It's actually pleasant to be up and doing something rather than staying at home, rotting the rest of your measly existence in to oblivion due to this asshole of a heat. I wish I could say I did more but I'd be lying, all I did today was listen to Childish Gambino and NAK until it got cooler, which was never.

I met with Raymond Tran who is an amateur bodybuilding champion, he had just got out of hospital from an 11 month rehabilitation from pulling something in his back from a deadlift. He had lost around 15kg in pure muscle and to have such a good before and after image of his physique was just depressing. I don't think I've met anyone with an amazing body as his and now it's all gone, he could barely bend over a few inches and yet, the moment he was released from the hispital, he was at the gym. Amazing. Even though I felt so bad for this guy, he reassured me that he was alright with his overly-optimistic view he had of the world. It had been over a year since I last saw and trained with him and it made my year (which had just started) when he told me how I've changed since we last met. I'm going to keep this up, for me and and him, and everyone else. He told me it would be years before he can fully recover.

Freaks and Geeks - Childish Gambino

Wednesday 1 January 2014

No strings attached.

"We gon' fuck shit up!"
- Jeremy Phan

Andy got me into Skyrim so bad, I don't think we did anything but take turns playing Skyrim and it was the best thing to have ever happened. Highlight of my day would probably have to be the time when Andy went to jail for stealing a cabbage and then he killed my wife because I laughed too hard. That was awesome.

Ran/walked for 5km and climbed 600m, drenched my clothing in human fluids and as disgusting as that image is, I'm quite proud of it :)

No Strings Attached - Dumbfoundead/PARKER & DJ Zo