Friday 3 January 2014

Apple and cinnamon.

"It's so hot.... wait, I'm hot. HAHAHAHAHA"
- Andy Le, delusional from the heat.

Yeah, nah, it's too hot for this shit. You know you've changed when you look and feel the heat and think "man, it's hot... wonder how many loads of washing I can get done today?" without a second thought. Took a real turn in who I thought I was, not that I mind, though, just didn't think I'd become this responsible, actually, it might be the heat, yeah, it's the heat. I think everyone is blaming the heat for everything these days, especially Dante :L 

Jeremy invited Andy and I to come over since he's experienced first-hand what it is like in my room without air-con. Good bloke he is, after all the years I've known this dude, today was the first time being in his house and meeting his parents and I must say; that nigga has one big ass house, my standards might not be high but goddamn. Andy and I instantly fell to the ground the moment we walked into his room, small, cozy and chill as fuck, really inspired me and gave me ideas to what I would do next to my room.

Left Andy to Jeremy's since I had to go eat because my window opened and then went to Poppy's with Kiet, Flynn, Leon, Hoa, Teddy, Trumpet, KT, Oscar Denne and Squishy to have a little get together for KT's birthday. A majority went to celebrate KT's birthday further while the rest of us bummed around Inala looking for something to do. Drove Hoa's car around then went home to see Andy and Thanh passed in my room. Was a dope day, hot but dope.

Apple and Cinnamon - Utada Hikaru

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