Sunday 19 January 2014

Take shape.

"I'm going to call you "The Little Beast" from now on!"
- Amanuel, some dude at the gym.

REMEMBER HOW I WAS LIKE "man, I wish I had a nickname." WELL, I FINALLY GOT A NICKNAME! YEEEEEE ICH BIN DA BESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, IT SOUNDS SO DOPE, TOO. I HOPE THIS STICKS, MAN. I AM THE LITTLE BEAST! Who would've thought that all it took to get a nickname was to do a set of 560kg leg press? wish some knob would've told me that earlier. POWER!

Tai popped by just to say "Good Evening" and then he fucked off somewhere, then he dropped by again to tell me how dope the hill from my place to Lam's place is and I figured I might as well join him for a lap around good ol' Poinciana Street and I'm glad I did, even Andy joined me. Hope I get this skating thing down soon, would be useful in a zombie apocalypse. I should take up freerunning, too one of these days.

Take Shape - The Dean's List (now known as "The King's Dead")

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