Sunday 26 January 2014

One in a million.

"Why are you even friends with him?"
- Jasmine Tran
"I... I don't know, he asked for my rubber in year 5 and now we're brothers."
- Kevin Le

Seeing Jasmine Tran for a split second today reminded me of that conversation we had during Biology camp, we were watching Alex Dang jump in puddles in his thongs after visiting the Brown Lake. I remember it was pouring and everyone pretty much gave up on saving their paper work from the rain but watching Alex so happy when he's surrounded by depressed, serious students really made my day. If I were to ask Jasmine if she remembers that day, she probably wouldn't, to be honest, I don't know why I remember it, it was probably because that was the first conversation I ever had with her and you tend to be reminded of those things whenever you see a person you know; where you met them, your first conversation, your first impression and your current one, well, I tend to.

My day had just started, it was like, 5pm. My sleeping patterns have pretty much went to shit. I figured I'll hit the gym, tire myself out and that would help with fixing my sleeping pattern but the neighbor had other things in mind. The moment I got ready to yell at heavy, inanimate objects, I was asked to skate near the lake and so I did what I always do in those situations, I asked Andy and he was keen as beans, probably not what he had in mind though :L My legs were sore from yesterday so I didn't skate as much as I wanted to but I bummed it with a mate when everyone else was on an adventure. Was a dope cruise, even though it wasn't much of a cruise. I also got to see a side of the lake I had never seen before, a real quiet, majestic side. It was like a glorified oasis that could ease your being with a glance, you could spend hours wondering why no one is there or if the place had ever been discovered. I think I might have a little drive there one night.

The boys gathered at Hoc's for Australia day and even though I went on Andy's command, I didn't stay. It's difficult for me to be comfortable in a place like that, even with all the people there. There's something about a shit load of people that turns me off now, ever since I wanted to avoid big groups, being in big groups makes me pay attention to the bad things rather than the good so I went home, didn't feel that great about it either, in fact, I felt like a total asshole and I probably was but I'd much rather be a comfortable asshole than an uncomfortable one. 

I have a hunch that they don't read this thing but if they somehow stumble upon it; I just wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving prematurely, I'm sorry for not celebrating Australia day with you guys, I'm sorry looking out for myself and I'm especially sorry for not being there with you even though I was given the chance to on your birthday, Flynn. Happy Birthday, mate, since you somehow always seem to remember mine. Guess I can just tell them the next time I'm around them.

One In A Million - Ne-Yo

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