Tuesday 14 January 2014

Reasonably safe.

"Bro, this shit is so cash."
- Kevin Le

Andy introduced me to this Playstation 2 emulator on his computer so we spent the entire day thinking of games to download and play and man, we were coming up with titles one after another. I gave that dude a list and he got to downloadin'. The rest of the day was just us two, in my room, playing some old school games, games I played when I was half way through primary and man, there weren't many things I could think of that I'd rather be doing. It was a total time waster though, even made me skip gym but I just cover it up with excuses like "I needed a rest anyway" and Andy would be like "yeah, now keep playing" He's the Devil.

I wish I could write more, I really wish I could but all Andy and I did was eat, napped and played Playstation 2 games until we weren't able to keep our eyes open which might seem like a pointless day to you and it was but not all days were meant to have points, I find, anyway.

Reasonably Safe (Mash up) - The White Panda

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