Tuesday 28 January 2014

We will always be family.

"Where are you goin'?"
- Kevin Le
"To work."
- Tai's old man, it was like 3pm, too :L what a stupid thing to laugh really hard over. Think I'm gonna start calling Tai's dad "Bunta"

Today was eventful, man. Almost died in several occasions, first of laughter of Andy's uniform, second, racing Bunta down Blunder road in rush hour since we were both at the red light and third, of laughter at everyone else's uniform, that wasn't even half of what happened and that alone made my month, easily.

Jeremy came knocking at my door at 8am, looking for someone to walk to, around and back from the lake and unbeknownst to me and him, he found one. He said something about doing this for an entire week so I can expect to see his face first thing in the morning for a while and even though I complain and say shit like "you're fucking crazy, you know that?" I'm kinda glad I was woken up let alone encouraged to do something active like traverse 8-10km first thing in the morning. There are a lot of dedicated people out there, man. Ran, got sunburnt (again), got home, cried myself to sleep, woke up, picked up Andy and bumped into Bunta on the way, kidnapped Tai's little sister, tried to kidnap Kiet's and Hannah's little siblings but that didn't work out too well, didn't realize how fucking creepy I must've sounded to them until I got home, spent the afternoon working at Skylark and helped moved Andy's shit out of my house, it was kinda depressing but hey, he had to leave some time. TONIGHT, I SLEEP ALONE!

I feel bad for people who are just having one of those days, it seems to happen in Skylark a lot. Today alone, there were customers who just give you attitude for no reason, well, there must've been a reason but none good enough that they would take it out on you, nigga, you just doin' yo job. I can relate though, and I guess it's just human nature to just cop the undeserved shit they throw at you in hopes that it lightens the load a little. I was skating up and down the Skylark, playing the old arcade machines they had there and talking to people I have not seen in ages, my day was about as good as it was going to get so copping a few racial slurs here and there isn't anything to get worked up over, in fact it made me feel good to know that they had the need to bring you down because you look like you're above them but at the same time, it sucked to know you're being brought down. I don't know, bogans are weird.

We Will Always Be [Family] - NAK & Elyon Beats

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