Friday 10 January 2014

All night.

"Oh yeah, man! I love KFC!"
- James, some dude Jeremy brought over to play games. It's funny because he's black. Wish I caught his last name though.

Got a visit from Tai's old man this morning, asked me to fix a laptop of some sort. I wonder why he came to me though :L out of all the people he knows in the world, he got a dude who he's seen twice, maybe three times to fix a laptop. Took it out, confirmed it was indeed a laptop and put it in a corner where I could ignore it until he picks it up, even when I'm not in school, I'm procrastinating but it wasn't a tough job, just needed to install a few things and it should be good.

Got another visit from a P.Y.T asking if I've seen her missing cat. It's always heart-breaking to see a person like that in distress, I'd be too if I had lost family like that, she gave me a flyer of her cat and her details in case I saw it. Fast forward about 6 hours later, I fucking found it. I heard a bell and cat hissing at 1am outside my room and spent the next 3 hours chasing a cat around Inala. Cats are fucking fast, man. I had wanted to catch him and give good news to the girl that came by earlier but it jumped into someone else's garden where I lost the bugger. I don't know what was fueling me, maybe it was my stubbornness to get what I want, or maybe I was just thinking with my penis and hoping to get on the good side of the missus that was looking for the cat to start with but I guess I'll never know now. Hope it comes back home, man.

I AM 81kgs! REMEMBER HOW I WAS LIKE "I AM THE FUTURE'S FUTURE!" ? I LIED, I AM ACTUALLY THE FUTURE OF THAT FUTURE. GUYS, I THINK I'M GOD. Wait, no, that can't be right, I'm pretty sure God would be able to catch a goddamn cat.

All Night - Icona Pop

All Night (Cash Cash Remix) - Icona Pop

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