Tuesday 21 January 2014

Love psycle.

"Pop it!"
- Jebbie Nguyen, sound advice for a pimple located near the buttocks. I seem to be having a lot of those lately.

Kiet got me to tag along with him to Logan hospital, something about his tooth, I wasn't really listening but shit, it beat staying home in the heat, poor Andy :L Hospital business finished earlier than expected so we took advantage of our location and bummed at Ikea and then ate pho on the way home. I often find myself on little dates and rarely in a group outing and although it might be a sub-conscious decision, I'd much rather be with one or two people than a group, maybe I'm an attention seeker... nahh, I don't think so but surely, I can't be the only who feels that way.

Kiet also invited me to ice skating, which is weird because Jeremy also asked me to go ice skating. There're must've been something in the air because three or four different circle of friends ended up at the exact same place at the exact same time. There was Leon's group, Jeremy's group, Cindy's group and Jebbie's group all doing their own thing, shit, even Phillip Lam was there and no one had any idea anyone else was coming. My plan was to go for about an hour then head home but the exact opposite happened, I somehow managed to skate for free, bummed at Sakuraya and then bummed at Coffee Square and didn't come home til 12am.

There's a weird thing that boys do and we don't do it on purpose, well, at least I don't. Most of the time I was at Sakuraya and Coffee Square, I was wondering how the fuck I ended up where I was. It wasn't peer pressure or anything like that but rather the faint sense of chivalry guys possess. I remember posting something similar about Elita and her drift car event, something like being a part of a posse even though you weren't, well, it was exactly the same but only this time, it was Cindy. I guess her demeanor pulls something out from dudes that just make us flock to her but what really struck me was that I was the only one who questioned it and no one seemed to be aware of what they were doing. Strange, huh ?.

Love Psycle - Dumbfoundead & DJ Zo

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