Saturday 18 January 2014

Work out.

"Can we go outside for a bit?"
- Andy Le. Wot.

Is it me, or is it getting hotter these days ? I had thought the worst of it was over but today's complaints went through the roof even though it was just Andy and I.

I can only eat in between 12pm and 3pm so waking up early is pretty much torture for me, I force myself to sleep in til 12 so that I can eat the moment I woke up, the only drawback to this is that I can't eat for the entire day afterwards but because of this strange eating schedule, I'm 79kg which is absolutely mind-blowing, I never thought losing weight was this easy, gonna stop at 72 though and I'll see where I go from there. It's hard to believe I was 87kg less than a month ago. I'm gonna make it, we're all going to make it.

I think Tai's invitation yesterday triggered some sort of interest in Andy, he's been going outside for scooter rides to the point where he'd sweat and I don't think I've ever seen him sweat before. I take this opportunity to go out and practice penny boarding and I can tell it's becoming easier by the minute, it won't be too long now til I can cruise where I please with little effort. If this somehow leads to Andy living an active lifestyle, I swear, I'll blow Tai and won't even think twice about it, even without his consent.

Work Out - J.Cole

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