Thursday 16 January 2014

Rhythm of love.

"holy shit."
- Kevin Le, whilst watching Boku No Pico

My little brother showed me the YouTube clip above, he hasn't seen Boku No Pico himself and nor should he, it was a smart move on his part. Of course, after watching a video that advises me not to do something, my instant reaction is to go do the thing I was told not to do and this might be the first time I regret doing the thing the video begged me not to do. I don't know if you can call it a regret but goddamn, there's something like there, it wasn't so much as "I regret doing that" it's more like "I probably should not have done that" without the guilt because that's what a regret is, essentially. So yeah, my day was spent thinking about what I just watched and to be honest, I don't know what to think of it. I'm not disgusted, I'm not scarred in anyway, it's just, wow.

I didn't know what to expect because all I had to go on was the video and I highly advise you do a little research before you take any leaps and even though that's a very, very common piece of advice, I've never done that, ever. Now to give you an insight of what I got myself into in case the video above raised your curiosity, it's about a dude that looks like a chick, he's also like, 7 years old, named "Pico" and he likes dick. Even though this anime was only 3 episodes long, there're well over the necessary amount of scenes needed to have your jaw punch a hole through the ground and destroy a family somewhere in England. 

5 minutes in and already, you're faced with a dude being intimate with the main character as he shoves a small block of ice up his butthole, you did not read that wrong, out all all the things you could do to your lover, this dude figured "you know what would be so hot right now ? if I just placed block of ice, into your sphincter) and that is only the first 5 minutes, you can only imagine (you probably couldn't) what the rest is like and yes, I did watch the whole thing. Wow.

Rhythm Of Love (Cover) - Clara Chung & Joseph Vincent

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