Monday 6 January 2014

The scatman.

"Hi, Kevin!"
- Yen Vo, in the most enthusiastic voice/tone I've ever heard.

Nigga, I got tan as fuck. I'm so black, it would put Gary Chung to shame, that might've been an exaggeration but man, I don't think I've been darker. It was also the first time I've ever been sunburnt and goddamn, it swallows gargantuan knob-knockers (I don't even know what that means.) I see why white people complain about that shit now.

I bumped into Yen on the way to Betty and asked her if she needed a lift to where ever it was she was going and even when she rejects your offer, she's really, really cheery about it :L in hindsight, I think she had the right idea, I'd reject me, too :L I'm creepy as, bro. 

The day was spent at a factory called "Soul Fresh" packing and unpacking boxes full of products that come in by the cargo-load. General labour at a legit company is a lot harder than people make it out to be, when they tell you to work, bro, you fucking work til you break. I was confident in my capabilities but that all went to shit the moment they gave me a job. Apparently, two people can do what I did in two hours which took me seven, one of which, was a female, goddamn. I was so happy to come back home, my shoes and socks were drenched in rain water for several hours, feet ached and my body felt weak and to them, it was just another day at the office, which happened to be placed outside in the unpredictable whether. Society cray.

I met a dude by the name of "Brodie" there, too. Said he recognized my name from Corinda High, might've got the wrong bloke though, there were like, four different "Kevin Le"s when I was in year 12 :L Brodie was a nice guy, man, really, really optimistic and hard working. He never complained and it seemed like he didn't have a care in the world but once that thunder storm hit, his personality turned 180 degrees. Can't say I blame him though, the lightning and thunder weren't more than a few hundred yards away from where we were, the rain drenched everything within seconds but I never knew such a drastic change was even possible :L he would flinch and whimper when he saw lightning and twitch and jump when he heard thunder. He'd also complain and grunt every time we had to do something, made we really want to punch him in the throat. Makes me wonder about everyone else though, given the correct circumstances, who else would do a complete personality flip had something happened. People are weird, but it's mostly white people, I find.

The Scatman - Scatman John

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