Sunday 12 January 2014

Take me home.

"You got the potential."
- Dante Le, after I jokingly said that I'll one day have a bigger chest than him, like no joke, that guy should invest in a bra or something because he be packing a rack.

Spent a majority of the day with my brothers, not at the same time of course, little one-on-ones here and there, I don't think we could keep a conversation going if we were all in the same room for a prolonged period of time :L I like to think I'm the link between the two, don't know why, guess it's just to make me feel special even though I know I already am. 

Dude, I snuck Dante into the gym today and it was my first session with him in about 8 months. I figured "Oh sweet, it's chest day, time to show this nigga what I can do!" but that didn't last long, it didn't last long at all, it lasted about 30 seconds before I started thinking "Yeah, nope, fuck that. Fuck that and everything related to that." He easily pumped out multiple sets of 100kg+ flat bench press while I'm over here pushing out 70, 80 at best. He shouldn't be that strong for his size, it was a sight to behold, man. A 65kg 25 year old child who can bench twice his weight. Truly an inspiration. We're all gonna make it, guys. We're all gonna make it. If Dante can do it, we can do it (I think...)

Kiet hit me up and we started chilling, we talked heaps but communicated little, there's a fine line between the two and I'm starting to think I'm starting to lose it when it comes to the people I know, I'm not complaining or anything, it's just something I've noticed. If it was meant to happen, it'll happen. Just do you and the world will react accordingly.

Take Me Home - Cash Cash & Bebe Rexha

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