Saturday 25 January 2014

Never told.

"Bro, if you had a daughter, what would you name her?"
- Kevin Le
"Doomtrain, you?"
- Alex Dang
"Ching Chong"
- Kevin Le
"hahaha, classic."
- Alex Dang, oh man, bus rides home from high school were the shit, bro. 

I don't remember doing much other than singing and freestyling with Andy today, we are by no means, good at that shit, it's just hilarious to see what we come up with, it's also a really, really easy way to make him laugh :L It won't be for much longer though, he's gonna start high school soon and I'll be along again. It sounds like I'm searching for sympathy when I read that previous sentence but really, there isn't much to be sad about, things were like that for years before Andy started his holidays, it'd just be weird to suddenly lose something that really didn't seem like it would change. It'll fun to watch Andy go through high school so I'm kinda anxious about his absence. Everyone else I know tells me their little siblings always go through a "Teenage agnst" phase where their personality would do a 180 degree flip and that'd last for years, I really can't see Andy doing that though :L

Went gym with Jeremy and Dante and sweat a whole lot more than I usually would. I guess having a goal literally right in front of you is just that inspiring, he couldn't believe his ears when I told him I had lost 10kg since Christmas, to be honest, I couldn't believe my ears either, half way there, IMMA DO IT. 

I applied for a few positions that will hopefully get mumsies and Bobby's approval and skated inside the house naked, all in all, a really good day.

Never Told - J.Cole

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