Sunday 5 January 2014

Dear tv.

"Dude, where's Kadoya?"
- everyone in the world, alive and dead.

Woke up, ran, looked up, thought "fuck that.", ran back, thought "I tried", didn't even leave my street, had a nap, TO THE MARKETS!, didn't buy anything, didn't eat anything, got ready to skate some ice.

Hong invited me to go ice skating with her, Lynn and Lam the day before, which was perfect, the heat was leaving everyone feeling, looking and smelling like an ass that just finished chucking a shit on an uncomfortable toilet in the middle of a hurricane. Managed to drag along Leon, Hoa, Andy and Jeremy, solid effort if I do say so myself, given the fact that I had about an hour to ask people, there were others but they were much too busy to be fiddling about with us, shame that, I'm sure they would've loved it as much as we did, well, I did. But man, to get Andy to willingly leave the house and stand up for hours on end is impressive, I think Hong is like, superjesus or something.

Went to Sunnybank after to get a bite to eat and was deeply saddened by the Kadoya that wasn't there. I never thought that place would go, didn't seem like business was bad either, no place with fart-guidance chairs should shut down. Ate curry regardless, even though people say it hasn't changed, it's not the same for me anymore. R.I.P, Kadoya, you will be missed.

Everyone is not as friendly as you think they are, when they show this side to you, it shouldn't really surprise you, everyone has their limits but man, people are so good at hiding those limits that it's almost scary.

Dear T.V - Tablo

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