Monday 13 January 2014


"I want to watch them fail."
- Andy Le, when I asked him if he wanted to see David Le and Jeremy do the pizza challenge. sadistic little bugger, ain't he ?

You know what would be funny ? If I made a Facebook account named "Raging Erection" and just poke people on it. That would probably entertain me for hours, days even. I don't have the patience to actually do it but man, if I ever get that bored, then everyone is in for a treat.

Took Andy to West End where we watched David and Jeremy fail their first eating challenge, it's harder than it looks and plus, the owner is an asshole who like to just cheese-rape all the pizzas that are being challenged, such is life, I suppose.

The pizza place was right next to Justin Chiu's gelato shop so I paid the dude a visit. He's still as cheery as I remember :L I got acquainted with his little sister (or cousin, I didn't ask) who really lit up the place with her extraordinary presence. Talk to Melarus for a brief moment who then left for the gym which left me in the company of his father and his brother Carlos. There wasn't much to do since everyone was talking about cars while the Chiu siblings were hard at work so I kinda just sat there, bummed and made small talk with Andy who was, at the time, bored out of his mind, all he could talk about and think of was what game he was going to play the moment he got home.

Watched "Ponyo" when I got home and I'm starting to see a common ground with most of the Ghibli movies. How much acid did Hayao Miyazaki take to even imagine such concepts for his movies ? That dude has it figured out, man. Every time I get the chance to see one of his works, I'm always dumbstruck at the mere abstractness and don't really pay attention to the plot until the second viewing. Shiet, nigga, what ever it is he is taking, I want some.

"PONYO, PONYO LOVES SOUSUKE" ahh, gets me everytime.

Happy - Pharrell Williams

dat Tyler doe.

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