Tuesday 7 January 2014

When I'm gone.

"You look heaps better than when you started last year, bro!"
- Some Samoan dude at Anytime, sounded sarcastic as fuck but shit, I'll take his word for it.

All this cardio and fasting is paying off, like really paying off. I've had 6 people come up to me on different occasions telling me I've "slimmed down" or some shit like that. Guess it'd be impossible for me to tell, I see my body everyday so noticing changes would be pretty difficult without some sort of record log.

Spent the day watching a dude on Youtube unbox yu-gi-oh cards, I don't know, it makes me happy to see others in their little world, doing their thing and getting really, really excited over something that most wouldn't even care about, makes me glad there are people like that in the world and also makes me hope I'll get to meet some.

Can't say I did much today other than watch season 1 and 2 of Sketch show, good laughs and memories of old prime time TV resurfaced. I get really sad when I bring up something old and Andy has no idea what I'm on about, he missed out on a lot of good shit, man so I introduced him to old shows and flashy music videos which didn't really work since it's something you have to grow into.

When I'm Gone - Eminem

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