Wednesday 22 January 2014

I wonder.

"How do you get breast cancer ?"
- Jeremy Thanh Phan, out of fucking no where.

I really, really don't think I can say anything else other than that I did today, in this nipple-drooping heat, was play Final Fantasy 12 on the Playstation 2 emulator. There were other little things that happened, I guess. Things like boarding up, down and around the streets surrounding Poinciana with my niggas Andy Le and Tai Pham. Around that time, the wind was picking up, like, really picking up and to me, there are very little things more liberating than wind, bro. That was dope, even though we were covered in sweat.

Drove Jeremy's car who had popped over after gym. I've been unmotivated as of late, this heat is so morale shattering that I can't bring myself to prepare for a zombie apocalypse, just goes to show how homosexual this heat is. We cruised to Sunnybank to pick up a few things Jeremy had scouted on gumtree for free. I swear that dude is third only to Jesse and Kiet in stinginess and despite that rank, that's still pretty stingy. Now if you'll excuse me, Ivalice needs saving from Vayne and Gabranth.

I Wonder - Gowe (Gifted on West East) & Erin Kim

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