Friday 24 January 2014

The world as I see it.

"Denne ? Hah! Denne's got nothing on me! I'm the real LG slayer!"
- Dante Le, with immense pride, mind you.

Was bummin', chillin' and for a moment or two, skatin' up and down Poinciana Street until I got a pretty little message from Kiet Nguyen, asking me to pick him up for Chinese New Years, I wasn't even going to go, why would you go if you couldn't eat anything ? but the opportunity was there so I did what I always do in that situation, I asked Andy. He said "ummm, why not?" and I honestly could not think of a reason not to. One thing led to another and I somehow ended up with Kiet, Andy and Teddy inside Betty on our way to Rocklea. Despite not being able to eat, it wasn't all that bad, hahah, going to a festival and not eating is as redundant as being at home and having clothes on but it's not bad once in awhile. Bumped into people I've not seen in years and I was filled with joy. When we all used to gather every morning in high school, there was a certain freedom about it. I used to love the fact that if I wanted to see a group of people, it didn't take more than a 5 minute walk to bum at the place they bum at but because that hasn't happened in years, it made seeing a good chunk of them all at one place that much better, that didn't last long though, nothing does. Had a stupid ass grin on my face all night :L

Leon had no ride home so I offered him a lift, little did I know that he wanted to go home ASAP so that and Andy tore me away from the bumper cars which sucked enormous epididymides but hey, saved $8. Before dropping everyone off to their respective homes, we stopped by Zaraffa's where I spent the aforementioned $8 on Andy's caramel fusion whilst listening to Leon, Kiet and Teddy talk about stuffz and thingz until the place closed up. Can't say much else happened. 

The World As I See It - Jason Mraz

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